
Easily the best credit card in my wallet

Easily the best credit card in my wallet

Not in a million years

Did she announce it to all 23 million of her friends on Facebook?

Not in a million years

Counterpoint: Fuck Trump, and Fuck You Also

English Toffee Peanut

My wife and I are friends with some pretty enthusiastic Trump supporters.

The Republican Party - used to be about some ideals

Hm! If electric cars are so expensive why do people build them in their garages with old batteries? Seems like a hole in their logic!

No, you should not

Absolutely the other way around


When they announced him, I was honestly surprised they’d picked a judge over 50

The waist is too damn high

Gonna step wayyyyyy out on the limb here and guess that if she does run for something, it won’t be city councillor


$5 says Cobb left back in May because he found out about this
