
Really curious about this game. I absolutely loved DQ8 and 9, especially the sidequests of the latter. I don’t like Minecraft, but it sounds like I can get into builders because it combines RPG sidequesting with a guided building experience. Is the world procedurally generated like Minecraft or is it already built for

Looks awesome. That being said, I’m sadly expecting a cease and desist from Nintendo. :(

Wow. That is a terrible way of keeping your customers engaged. So archaic and a new low. Goes to show you that they’re not confident enough that fans and potential customers would keep Infinite Warfare in their shelf. They’re more confident in Modern Warfare than Infinite Warfare, which is sad and offensive to the

For the first time in a long time, I can say this and mean it: good riddance for bad rubbish. Digital Homocide got what they deserved. Rash and stupid decisions by a terrible developer. Good on Steam for teaching them a lesson.

Short controller and using the reset button? Sounds annoying sure, but you have to admit that those features are pretty authentic to how the original NES was. Authentic to a fault is a pretty interesting direction with this mini console.

What a fun developer. More devs should follow suit with these hilarious antics. I’m actually considering to check this game out because of this bit of news.

To each his/her own. She can do what she wants. Just avoid her content if you don’t like it. I might not like how she’s advertising herself, but the internet always likes to echo loudly whenever something contraversial happens.

I think the original’s first few opening hours is much worse from the remake’s first hour, or so I hear.

Good points. My issue with Bethesda is that they advertised on Sony platforms in a confident manner. As if it’s a done deal. Why do this if it’s hard to fulfill? At least announce mods as Xbox 1 exclusive until you’re sure that mods on PS4 is a possibility, not market it on both platforms then suddenly pull back from

I’m sorry but I’m going to have to call out Bathesda on this one. They are effectively throwing Sony under the bus because the explanation they give for no mods is extremely vague.

This is why that sustaining a life using YouTube alone isn’t viable. Policies are always changing and shifting. In this case, it’s well within YouTube’s right to deem videos as not being advertiser friendly and anybody who puts this in the realm of censorship is wrong. Censoring is when YT starts taking down such

I’m glad. Yes, there is evidence of false advertising in No Man’s Sky. Yes, it has flaws. Yes, it crashed occasionally at launch. However, if you’re one of those people who logged in more than 10 hours of play in a span of a week and still want a refund, then there’s something wrong with you. You’re not decisive and

Hmm...not sure how this will affect gameplay. Imagine having a huge world to play in, only for that to be stripped away from you mid-game. They need to structure things correctly. If they allows us to revisit the open world anytime we want, then I don’t mind. If there’s no turning back mid-point, then I smell some

Weird easter egg. Why is a Sega joke hidden in a Square-Enix game?

His starter planet sounds like fun. Mine sucked. Had to endure a lot so I can leave. But it was interesting as I expanded my knowledge of the game bit by bit.

I’m with the opinion that we should cut Hello Games some slack. It’s a team of 15 people for crying out loud. For what they achieved with No Man’s Sky, it’s an impressive title. It’s basically an indie game if it’s weren’t for Sony’s marketing. Cut features and broken promises are not to be taken at heart too. It’s a

I’m thinking that this delay might help them optimize and advertise for the rumored PS4 Neo. If the system is going to be announced at September, then they might as well try to fit FFXV into the schedule in terms of an optimized Neo title.

I’ve never been a big Metroid fan. The first game I got to play in passing back when I was a kid was Metroid II, and I didn’t like it nor thought of it much. I didn’t really pay attention to the franchise back in the day. Fast forward to Smash Bros. n64 which I got re-introduced to Samus, whom I’ve forgotten over the

It’s not a crime to have an US iTunes account with a Virtual US Credit Card or US iTunes points to fill it up. The iPhone allows multiple accounts from different regions to login to the same device without region locking. So what I’m doing is perfectly legal. I have a separate account for my region with the US account

I don’t have the game actually. It’s not out in my region yet so I’m playing it through the US Store. Complain, sure. But no excuse for hacking and cyber-bullying at all.