
Really hope this is picked up for an international release. I've been craving a new Tri-Ace game for a long time. I'm willing to give this one a chance even if it's F2P.

I recall a very similar situation happening with SF4 in which A LOT of pro players absolutely hated the Ultra mechanic at reveal, deeming it as blasmephy and unfair. Look at it now; it's probably the most innovative modern mechanic in a fighter ever and everyone has embraced it. Even other fighters emulated it. It's

Yep, way to make yourself look good by calling me an idiot. Can't anybody have a decent conversation in the internet these days without throwing off stupid insults? I never called you names, bub.

There was a recent interview with Mew2King and Armada both of which reacted positively to the game with a few nitpicks like landing lag with some characters. Also, the pros who have played the game in the E3 tournament didn't deem it as crap. They enjoyed being there and enjoyed playing regardless of how different it

Whoops. Meant to write faster than Brawl in my reply. My bad. The reason why players struggled because it's still a new game in development so they haven't had much time with it yet. Plus the rules of 4 players and items definitely overwhelm when it comes to combos. That grand final didn't seem like a struggle to me

Really? Don't recall reading that in the game. Interesting conclusion though but kind of confusing in the world itself being the entity.

Doesn't look like an anti-high level game to me. It's a fast engine and has a big roster with a lot of potential on competitive play. The grand finals in E3 with ZS Samus vs. Kirby looked insanely good despite the absence of Melee mechanics. Just because Smash 4 doesn't replicate Melee doesn't mean that it's anti-high

The E3 showing of Smash 4 was very positive, regardless of its atypical non-tourney rules. It looked like a much faster paced game than Melee and the no item grand finales was such an awesome spectacle.

Very interesting. I'm now curious. I attempted playing Cross immediately after Trigger and I just wasn't feeling it for some reason. It's not grabbing me as much as Trigger.

Wasn't as hype as last year, but still enjoyed a couple of matches here and there. I'm glad Nintendo sponsered this one as it may be the last Melee appearence for EVO in a long, long time. Smash Wii U will be the mainstay in the next couple of years.

The main one on your first time through. It was an animated cut-scene in which shows a baby suddenly transporting out of nowhere. Plus, there are a few unanswered questions about what happened to Schala and who is the person who was watching over the party all this time? Towards the end, they referred to an "entity"

I've avoided Chrono Trigger until last year. I wasn't into RPGs until Super Mario RPG for the SNES so it flew off my radar back in the day. I remember watching a bit of it a couple of times and thinking nothing of it. I always felt that when I played it, it would be too outdated to call a masterpiece.

I played FFIX when it was new. Damn. 14 years already. Thanks for making me feel old, Kotaku.

I used to casually watch Sailor Moon back in the day. I'm not a huge fan nor am I a buff of the lore, but there was something about it which seemed alluring. The magical girl formula was admittedly something new and interesting back in the day. With the reboot, I found the first episode to be cute. Nothing mindblowing

On one hand, I'm really excited on the prospect of well-designed new tracks, especially closed arenas for battle mode. Let's hope they could also hack-in the ability to disable that damn time limit in battle mode as well. On the other hand, I'm really worried about online cheating. Hacks basically made Mario Kart Wii

Weird name. Even weirder that Nintendo passed it. It looks very interesting though. I know it's a Bomberman clone, but Konami has done jack shit with Bomberman ever since they bought Hudson. So I guess I'll settle for a clone until they realize that they have a big franchise under them.

Sad to hear. Whatever Murdered turned out to be, at least the studio seemed to be talented and creative. :(

Desperate times require desperate measures I guess? Either she just wants more money or she fails to realize that GTA is parodying her.

Too bad that whatever momentum this game had is lost due to a sever attack and extremely slow development cycle. While it does use a similar payment system to what Minecraft had until it got out of beta, the results of Cube World's development is just really, really slow. A lot slower than Minecraft's. I was hyped

A tie between Toad Harbor and Sunshine Airport. While the course design isn't as strong as Mount Wario or Electrodome, the themes are very fresh...especially Sunshine Airport. The music for both the Harbor and Airport are the coolest in the game.