Sword Thain

It is so much worse now. They’re in the process* of releasing a new Kylo and Rey. Someone on Reddit did the math and each new character has a value of over $2,500 if you paid for the shards and gear. You will need over a dozen characters at max level and near max gear for each new character. 95% of those characters

IIRC, he “donates” his Presidential salary to different charities. So he gets a tax write off.

Is this a real problem? I’ve been using Win10 for years, and barely do anything with the Start menu. I’ll hit the Win button, then start typing. I couldn’t even tell you what tiles are there. I’ll go check -

Also, banks put together mortgages into bonds. The bonds were traded in London and throughout Europe. The collateral for the bonds were owned slaves and the reason for the mortgages was so Southerners could buy more slaves and land. Europe as a whole supplied money for and profited off of American slavery til the

Well, the Right’s denial of Climate Change is affecting the entire globe, so the Turdle is equally to blame. Murdoch encouraging the coarsening of dialog between the sides and allowing political encampment is the sin to be hung around his neck.

Yes. Shrub expanded a program started by that Godless socialist Ronald Reagan. First it was originally for rural farmers (almost exclusively white) but then it was expanded by Shrub and and the new requirements allowed more, um ... urban ... people to apply for the grants, then suddenly it was a terrible thing.

Great news. So when is the GOTY being announced? I really want to play this game.

Once Nixon’s numbers started to plummet (below 20-25%, IIRC), the Congressional Republicans turned against him. 45 has constantly had 40% approval, so very few Red Republicans have seen a need to distance themselves. A couple in Purple districts have started to turn.

@jimmy-buffett: It goes back further than that, too at least Nixon and his party decrying experts in the field and intellectuals as know nothings.

Good. Not every game needs MP tacked on so they can sell loot boxes.

I did that for a while.

Robert Mercer, who started the ‘dossier’ on Trump when he was behind Cruz in 2016, also had a hand in Brexit.

The target audience believes in fascism, whites-only rights and force gay-conversion. No I doubt they’d notice that the quotes are about the book.


I got one, just to play with. It looks really neat. I’m slowly working on it to add short-cuts to programs and web sites. I’m setting it up to play games on.

I got one, just to play with. It looks really neat. I’m slowly working on it to add short-cuts to programs and web

As a 40ish-year-old, I didn’t care for it during the show’s first run.

Kinja LOVES to constantly reshuffle their scripts running on the pages. If you’re running an ad blocker or script restricter, that can and has fudged up video for me before.

2 things:

The photographer who took the “Windows Hill” photo had to fly the negative to Washington, because MS paid such a ridiculous amount, no insurer would cover it so no shipper wanted to touch it.

I’ve gotten this one. Solid, heavy feel.