
Even if I for a moment believed that he acted on his faith (which fuck you I don’t), the real bullshit you’re spewing is that him being here somehow makes our country worse because of his faith. Fuck. That. Straight, white, Christian have gotten jealous and killed their wives before. Not like there was a big story the

with a targeted 0-60-mph time in the mid-5-second range*

1. This is definitely a false equivalency.


If this is the kind of shit we allow to happen, then maybe we don’t deserve to modify cars.

It’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last. 

It’s my fault you’re an ass?

Never in my life have I understood why the big truck bros are so threatened by teslas and Priuses and clean air that they feel the need to “roll coal”. Honestly, it’s just awful bully behavior emblematic of pretty much everything wrong with our divided nation right now.

I think they should fine The Discovery Channel one billion dollars for making terrible television and being such a failure to humanity.

Makes completely no sense how they built a business that way.

See, I would prefer that they have to buy back each and every truck and get it to pass smog at a California Smog Ref.

Good. The trucks should be crushed and molded into the shape of a Prius. 

It’s a funny thing about exhaust pipes - make them as loud as you want, they still point behind you, alerting the world of your departure not your arrival.

I think you’re overthinking some of this stuff. Yea you travel a lot, but are those flights going to get canceled if you don’t fly for your work or if your husband decides to drive? Unless you’re chartering private jets it’s still public transportation. Are you going to tell your employer that your carbon footprint is

Then ride a bike...

This is what Honda should be in the 21st century.

Oh no! You might have the *option* to buy an electric vehicle! You might have the *option* to produce your own power with solar on your house. You might have cheaper cleaner electricity from your utility!

How do I get one of those tin foil MAGA hats?

at 73 she’s got no problems having 3 pedals