Brb poopin

Can’t even process. He put that in a book, continued to prosper, and became president. Fuck America?

Posse down 3-1.

I Googled while athlete posse for you and found Roger Clemens and Greg Anderson both correctly referred to as having a posse and being in a posse. Second search result. Next result not related to Phil was a passage from “Coast of Dreams”. Phil is a dolt, he should not have said it, it has a negative connotation, but

Whoa, I said I supported him bringing his friends along. I’m all for black people helping each other or getting advantages. I have no problem with LeBron and his friends being super rich. He seems like a good guy, overall. I think we should tax the fuck out of the rich, in general, and LeBron should travel with the

Sure, it could be used in a racist way, but I’m saying Phil is a west coast guy who, like me, never heard it that way, and didn’t use it that way. I think Phil is out of touch, not dog whistling.

Agreed. Posse isn’t racial, it’s outdated west coast slang held over from Western culture and revived with 80's rap. Guys Phil coached used to have a posse. Recently, those Entourage guys were a posse (and business partners). Anyway, LeBron travels with business associates sounds even more self serving than bringing

Tulsi is a horrible opportunist with a terrible agenda- she might fit nicely in Trumpland.

In Trump’s America we say ‘fucked’ unfortunatley. And Pussy. Sad!

The audio person was soo bad- like first day on the job bad. That mic would look and sound better taped on the other side of his face. The levels were absolute shit. The wrong mics were up several times. Total shit show. I used to suck this bad at this job, so watching this gives me panic-attack type feelings.

A yummier alternative: add trace amounts of sugar to damp cardboard or sawdust fashioned into animal shapes.

Nope, tear open the box, pour the powder cheese sauce right on the shells, pour some water in the box, stir a tiny bit, microwave for 3 minutes, and throw (YOUR LIFE) in the trash.

I just went to Florida. Hillary may be ahead in polls, but it felt like a Trump state. I saw signs and shirts for Trump, but nothing for Hillary. It felt safe to wear an OrlandoPride shirt, but not safe to promote Hillary without the Good Ol Boys taking an interest in sneering at you.