
Mandatory voting works fine in Australia. I don’t know the details.

For years I’ve been broaching the topic of mandatory voting. It seems to work okay where it’s done, and certainly would obviate voter suppression because everybody eligible to vote would want to avoid a fine. Voter registration would be automatic. Fines might be pooled to fund voter services and maybe even an award


Who are you to tell me whether I ought to accept a fart in my face or a broken nose?

She’s winning the popular vote, right now, by around 100,000 votes - that’s not anything to brag about. There are a lot more Democrats in this country than Republicans. Registered Democrats didn’t turn out to vote for her or they voted against her - that’s why she lost.

When either party can put up a potential candidate not better served drowning in a vat of acid, maybe the rest of the voting population will stop opting out. Or perhaps the lack of votes is the silent roar of total and utter contempt and disgust for the political machine grinding this country and its citizens into

They don’t need to be “equally awful.” They both need to be awful enough that large swaths of people don’t care. And that’s what they were.

The key factor was that people who didn’t like Clinton believed she is capable of governing in a way they don’t like and went out and voted against her.

100% could have voted but the result would have been the same. The Democrats fucked up by anointing a terrible candidate. I’m apalled that Trump is our new President but I’d feel similar if Clinton won. This was the worst election ever. I wish I could just hibernate for the next 4 years...

Voter turnout in the US is terrible. This was a particularly bad election because neither candidate was particularly well liked.

But Trump managed to win even though he was outspent and out manned. He is a fucking douche bag but he obviously wasnt the worse candidate.

Even though HRC probably won the popular vote, there are pluses to having the EC.

That is a lie. We had one of the best, most ethical, capable, talented, smart and strong in modern history. And Trump.

Nope. African-Americans and Latinos would have no national influence if it weren’t for their power to swing states like California, Illinois and Pennsylvania. The Electoral College makes sure minorities don’t get screwed over more than they already do... http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/view_from_chica

Yup. Democrats vote for people they like; Republicans vote against people they hate. The truth is, the men and women (alike) wouldn’t have voted for Clinton in any case. Now, everyone is scrambling to say this third party vote (which is smaller than usual anyway) is bad, and third parties are bad, and the election

why are you assuming clinton was owed those votes

It’s because we don’t have popular vote. The Electoral College is a form of voter suppression.

This is actually the highest ever.

You’re acting surprised that Americans aren’t engaged politically, like that hasn’t been the case for decades. It just so happens that we had two awful candidates and no one was excited to see what would happen if either won.

To be fair, pretty sure voter suppression was at play.