Suzi A

how narcissistic do you have to be to think you can pull this off? jail time could be in his future. 

There are some outside chances it wasn’t staged, but there’s a 100% chance Smollett’s lying about what happened. He got caught because he provided bogus information to the police (he handed over his phone records, but removed any calls with the nigerian brothers; the police had already obtained another list directly

Well, this took a turn.

As someone who has worked with a lot of ‘creative types’ in the past, I can second this. 

Perhaps I’m using it too broadly. But the idea that Jussie clearly overestimated his intelligence in crafting this scheme without being able to recognize the multiple ways that this could and would go wrong has merit.

Not to paint too broad of a brush stroke here, but a lot of “creatives” I know aren’t exactly the most analytically minded people.

When I first heard the story my initial reaction was that it sounded exactly like what someone in Hollywood thinks a hate crime looks like, but I was willing to give him the benefit of the

Regarding #2, maybe because he is black and gay and the Chicago cops don’t have a great rep in dealing with either of those communities, he didn’t think they would take it seriously?

1) people you don’t know might be quicker to rat you out. Kind of hard to put this thing on Craigslist

This has nothing to do with Dunning-Kruger. And if he really did this, his career is over.

Trying to “goose his music sales” by making a mockery of hate crimes (an issue that is real) is pretty disgusting. Something is seriously wrong with this guy. And, well -- now his career is destroyed anyhow. Great job!

It also got out of control when every idiot in Hollywood and Congress started tweeting about the case. Funny how so many people correctly doubted this story from the start, but no one in Hollywood was smart enough to figure it out..

At one point I’d read that he only called the cops after a friend insisted he do it.

if he did stage the entire thing, why would he..

Dunning-Kruger strikes again, always astounds me that people who lack rudimentary critical thinking skills see themselves as much more intelligent than the rest of society. He should juss apologize and salvage what’s left of his career at this point.

Did he not think cops would investigate??  This whole thing is bizarre.