
I'm right there with you, girlfriend. Sending hugs!

It’s a hellscape, especially when you don’t have money or insurance.

You’re right. To be (a teeny bit) fair, he was touring in a minivan and setting up his equipment himself. This was, of course, long past peak Pixies and before current Kim Deal-less Pixies.

1999, small club in Birmingham, AL. Frank Black (Pixies) was doing a solo tour with his band, Frank Black and the Catholics. After the show he offered to sign autographs. My dumbass was first in line. I blurted out some nonsensical shit about my deep abiding love for him (cringe). He looked at me with a blank stare,

I had the black Mary Janes and omg I looked rad af!

Too late.

I think her daughter needs a gig...

Not to mention claiming your spawn has a learning disability. That makes me the most ragey.

Fuck you, you piece of shit. People are dead. I hate Alabama politics as much as any other person with common sense but your comment is tacky as fuck.

I still have that bra (7 years later) and fox tail dude sex was hawt. Thanks for the including me 😘

Your 3rd grade level insults are tired. Give mummy her phone back, it’s past your naptime.

Lol, that’s the best you got? 

Hahahahahaha!!! Fuck off.

Dotard eats salad?

Fucked a guy in a field who was wearing a fox tail on the last night of a pagan festival in Texas. Spent 30 minutes looking for my $50 bra (seriously, wtf was I doing wearing an expensive bra to a pagan festival?!), only to walk back to camp and find it was wrapped around my leg the whole time. Never saw him again. 

Black metal tshirts your shield...oh wait

That tattoo is disturbingly well done.

That is such a great song!

Pixies without Kim Deal is not Pixies. 

The Have Nots - X