
I live in Texas and had a car with a black roof once.

Eddie Gossage is such a dick.

That’s why I couldn’t go to sleep last night.

This makes perfect sense to me as anyone wanting Point A to Point B autonomous transportation doesn’t want a car, they want a appliance.

More like definitely-on-purpose-I-want-to-crush-your-head contact, lol.

The moment she sees ‘Ford GT’ in a post title...

The 24-year-old works as a car audio installer, the Sun reports.

Emily Miller and her entire team cannot be lauded enough for making this happen. I think there should be more events like it, period.

Oh, what a feeling...

So it’s the Push-To-Pass option?

Yep, you nailed it, $kay.


When I moved there in January 2000 with my then-pristine GTI I remember thinking all those car dealerships with ‘shade’ awnings over their inventory were pretty spiffy. Little did I know, lol.

Yep. There are many happy owners of ‘golf cars’ (all the dimples, you know) running around north Texas who got a screaming deal on a hail-damaged vehicle.

Look, we get it. It’s an active spoiler, and intersects the taillights when lowered. That seems to be it!

We all love geeking out over the ‘numbers’ of a supercar.

I like needles when they’re analog gauges.

COTD Usurper, you are.

Semi-related query...

Would need fuel injection instead, no?