
According to my sister, who is both a former over-the-road trucker and currently a USPS Rural Carrier, it is easy enough to get squashed in an LLV.

Makes me want to floss so bad...

Yo dawg.

But of course, NotLewis.

You probably think being me is a walk in the park, don’t you?

I have few extra of these stickers I will gladly donate to him.

Naw, the windshield just needs to be conveniently tilted forward to take off the top now.

There’s no crisis other than the one currently being made by every freaking moron panicking and scrambling to fill their cars before DOOM OMFG DOOM WE’RE ALL GONNA DOOM!

What’s that other car in the back corner of EVERY FUCKING PICTURE?!

For short hauls this can work, but for over-the-road the range will need to meet or exceed the allowable maximum of consecutive hours a driver can operate to be truly successful. That means hybrids.

This was no fail, on any level.

Wait... Osteen’s building was The Summit?

A sore whiner?

It’s call “Crowd Pearly Warning System”.

Looks like a 21st Century Bertone Stratos.

David, David, David...

Because teen angst.