
No amount of Patrick George-colored glasses will ever convince me the Civic DX didn’t disappoint.

Because horsepower gets all the attention but torque is always behind the curtain getting the dirty work done.


Reminds me of the FJ Forum guy back in 2011 who had fumes from an acetylene tank in his truck go off when he went to roll down the power windows to air out the truck. IIRC it damaged his hearing some but basically just blew him away from the truck since he was standing at the open driver’s door. Pretty serious

So much of the late ‘80s to early ‘90s USN maintenance supplies were from a ‘previous era’ but still viable for use. The heavy rubber gloves were like slipping your hand into a tire mold and having it conform to your fingers, lol. You would have to stab the shit out of a protruding cotter pin to poke a hole in one so

There’s stripping. Lots of sanding. Some filling. And priming.

There was no painting here, ‘O Petulant One.

Reminds me of painting jets for the Navy, though we obviously did NOT do all that fine detail work. The name of our department was Corrosion Control which tells you everything you need to know.

David Tracy, proponent of the Observer Effect?

Upside... The poor rider at the 1:08 mark gave all those funeral procession drivers something else to talk about.

There is significant presence in that rear quarter stance, but I’m not sold on the traction, temperature, and treadwear ratings for those shoes.

Between Tracy and Torchinsky I can see them coming up with something like this, lol.

I’d like to see this guy’s take on narrow angle vs standard V engines.

Leave it to a ‘Bruce’ to fix something others didn’t know was broke.

I’ll grant you that, but my experience with a lesser-motored version resulted in much ‘lesser satisfaction’.

Dunno why, but I get the feeling that’s a real smooth finish all the way down to the rocker.

Definite congrats on the COTD, Revolvoution, but I gotta take a pass on the Craptera.

He was just sick of wrecking cheap cars and not caring.

A right ray of sunshine you are.