So, two inches of water is progress?
So, two inches of water is progress?
That’s just their no-cost Scratch & Dent delivery service, right?
So what are we officially calling this?
Anyone who truly doesn’t care about anyone else having their life ended in such a tragic way, regardless of the victim’s age, gender, ethnicity, time of day, or position of Jupiter’s moons is simply not worth the air they breathe.
How about when Justin wasted Jalopnik time just to get some birthday wishes?
I’m definitely getting a less is more vibe here.
So will this result in a Mazda LMP1 effort at LeMans next year? Did I miss that somewhere?
Total Conversation-OTD in it’s entirety.
Must be the really widebody.
Nah, His facial hair hasn’t turned color yet.
“So are the subways getting worse and worse every day, or are you all just buried in shit-subway content and writing articles on it as fast as you can? “
My brain suddenly went to...
Maybe some of us like a rubber nose with our RACECAR, huh?