
Based on the tweets in this link from the story it looks like no one wanted to support him in taking action for that red line being crossed. Now they’re all for it. Wonder why?

Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.

Listening to all the people who are going crazy about this just makes me laugh.

Yeah! Can’t wait for it to be released as part of the new suite.

I also always try to go at work. I take in and leave magazines, newspapers and other reading materials to leave there. I figure if I can take just one minute of productivity from one person per day, life is good. I even hold it in over the weekends if I can. Going at work, I get to see my buddies.

Well, as one of the famed, and very, very wealthy Von Dookiebirds, I prefer to board the plane, relax in my first class seat with a complimentary wine or scotch (while you plebes must pay, if you even have temerity to ask for such luxuries reserved only to us better humans), and as soon as the seatbelt light goes off,


In the years between Hiroshima and the Cuban Missile crisis, large-scale nuclear war was not only a theoretical possibility, but something that was contemplated as likely and perhaps even inevitable. The facts are that two atomic bombs were used in wartime, that many more nations developed the capability in the

Dishonest clickbait headline.

It’s “colleague.” Maybe you should have asked a woman for the correct spelling.

Hey Josh, please go fuck yourself.

I don’t think you understand the purpose of a strike.

Because I am sometimes stupid, when I saw that you were an ED survivor I really thought you meant Erectile Dysfunction for a solid 30 seconds before I realized.

Bacon is cured and sometimes cold smoked. It is not hot smoked. Cold smoking or curing does not cook food. Yes, it helps in preservation (which is why humans used to smoke make back in the day a lot). But it is not technically cooking the meat. The bacon is technically still raw.

You can probably rest easier knowing that everything causes cancer.

Yes. Do not rub on ballsack to deter bites. You will have a bad time.