
There’s been some departure from recognizing stretching as a universally positive thing to do to prevent sports injury. Research is showing some results that seem to indicate that stretching is not effective at preventing injuries or improving performance.

Simply put you are an asshole. You obviously do not know how to present, run or analyze benchmarks. Why exactly are you contributing to a tech blog?

Because benchmark graphics need to be pretty first and not informative at all.

I really hope you wrote this reply to be sarcastic, because if not...well... you sound like an incredibly insecure dick as a writer, and in general, just a jerk. I have no clue why in the world, when someone comments with a number of really well written points that could seriously improve your post if you took them

Are you seriously trying to use ‘nerds’ in a pejorative sense on a tech blog? Are channeling Maddox or something? Is there a reason you chose hostility when responding to the original comment? 

Please go look at Hardware Unboxed and you will see that you can clearly display _all_ the relevant information in an

I just wanted to say - fuck you. What the fuck is your problem? “YOU add confusion.” A reader was trying to improve your piece of shit article. Your charts are confusing - it’s true. They give zero context - ZERO. What a garbage article. After reading this zero-context, piece-of trash click-bait article, it made me

Nice comeback... this is why we can’t take Gizmodo seriously, you act like kids in an elementary school whenever someone makes a decent point about improving your editorial skills.

if all your graph shows is “one is higher/lower than the other” then you don’t need a graph

The butthurt is strong with this one

Alex Cranz- taking lessons from The Fuzzy Headed Cheetos Administration on how to address people and admit his mistake ...

YOU add confusion.

Yeah... cause it it is better to be visually pleasing than give actual useful info.

I would hope it’s the author confusing, say, an 8087 FPU with “an additional CPU”, but it’s more likely just a lack of relevant subject knowledge...

Because you have to learn to walk before you can run?

February 7, 2017. The day public education died.

Those middle eastern airline companies aren’t actual companies trying to make a profit though. They’re heavily subsidized airlines operating at big losses whose main purpose is to be flying billboards for their respective oil rich nation.

You’re giving airlines a lot of criticism for trading off between comfort and cost, but what do you expect them to do? You even said in the article that air travel is unprofitable and major carriers have filed for bankruptcy. Offering minimum-frills flights to cater to people who can’t spend a lot while letting others

I thought the exact same thing. This is article is difficult, almost impossible, to understand. The example is unrealistic and doesn’t illuminate the point

This article has potential but it’s going to take a bit more to get your point across. Your example is confusing and does not easily make your point and your conclusion seems obvious.