
Text still isn’t big enough. You fail at shilling.

I want to see the proof that he's refusing his salary. There's no way that cheap, broke ass cheat is passing up $400,000 a year. 

Remember this any time people complain about Chinese intelligence trying to insert backdoors into consumer electronics. As a general rule, an intelligence agency that has the opportunity to do these sorts of things, will do it.

I’ve seen the official title to the car that states it was sold to the dealer on 11/15, and the 11/18 date of the audit came from Tesla themselves. It does not appear the dealer is lying about this.

isn’t this a case of correlation, not causation?

all of this public mourning for a canine life that was purposefully sacrificed by its owner, made to attack a basically unarmed man who was surrounded by cops”

I love the irony at play here. When USB-C came out, Gizmodo swore up and down that by now all our devices would be on USB-C well before now completely not understanding how adoption works. And here we are years later and yuuuuuup its USB-C is still not -the- standard and Gizmodo seems to be surprised they were


Overpriced absolute garbage..... Typical apple crap.

Schrodinger’s reverse cowgirl?

Is that all the positions, simultaneously?

I mean racism and “screw you I got mine” aside, what the hell is up with the teenaged angst vibe in the Republican Party right now? Like I came of age under Obama and had my whole anti-establishment Libertarian phase. But then I grew up, gained some empathy, and realized I spent ~4 years being an insufferable douche.

But we are all snowflakes for pointing out the hypocrisy in this mass shooting video in a variety of ways, the least including the months long hissy fit over Kathy Griffin.

What context is there for encouraging a person you purport to love for weeks on end to kill themselves that makes that behavior the least bit tolerable? 

How much meth/opioids do you have to do to not notice a yellow jacket nest hanging off the eave of your front porch before it gets 1/100th that size and remove it? I’ve suffered a few yellow jacket encounters and cohabitation isn’t an option.

It's got what plants crave.

There is no more-fitting tribute!


We got a mega dose of characters acting stupidly and out of character. Jaime is just going to leave his main challenger to slowly die of a stomach wound? Arya spends most of the episode running around. Jon continues to be the worst military commander of all time. Dany goes completely insane. Tyrion keeps talking about

I’m not against Dany going ‘Mad Queen’ per say... but having it be done when everyone’s surrendered seemed like some lazy writing to force Dany v. Jon.