
Could have been an ABC intern with the info.  Who knows. It takes time no matter how quick you are to have a story then report on it. 

About as far fetched as the US dumping radioactive waste in St Louis. 

not gizmodo related.  shouldn’t be on gizmodo site.  Why not just bring back everything under gawker already.  lol

To bad its on No Access.

While we couldn’t reach a representative from Charter Spectrum”....Its impossible to reach these people. 

The touchy feely kind.

The last episode was ok.  At least John pet the dog. 

He was to grumpy for this world.

Are Daario Naharis and Salladhor Saan drinking it up with Illyrio Mopatis?

Thats right it was called wildfire.  Got them confused.  Anyway it didn’t make much since. 

What does ReplyFlagged even mean?!  Your commenting system is garbage.  When do comments ever get “approved”?! 

Jamie mortally wounded ... still runs a 3k without a problem

This was crap. They tried to out-do the Night King battle and failed. Things didn’t make since. What was with the green (dragon fire) fires? They were just thrown in?! Arya Stark turning into a wimp because The Hound said some stuff that lacked meaning. Euron- this fucker. Who shows up a few seasons ago and just kicks

The whole mcu is bused and now they are throwing a bunch of garbage together to make it “work”.  At least the MCU started off good before going full blown transformers. 

Everyone is to good to get naked on set anymore.  GoT got lame quick.

When the dragon got murdered by a fucking arrow I was pissed.  Seriously just fought and won against an army of dead.  Then it dies in seconds halfway through the episode.  Killed by some halfwit character we just met a season or two ago.  Boy did he jump through the ranks quick. 

I’d bet Arya tries to kill The Mountain and it goes south and either she gets killed and the hound kills him or the hound saves her and kills his brother.  Something along those lines.  Somehow I don’t see Arya surviving.  Not that she can’t but I just don’t see the hound saving her yet again. 

Did you cum on it?

99% of your articles err on the side of glass is half empty. I’m not surprised you wrote this garbage.