
Wow! I feel completely opposite! I got this game for my son for his birthday, it was the first Battlefield title that I myself had skipped. I played about 10 hours with the EA Access trial and just couldn’t get hooked.

My Nigerian prince buddy apologizes for the delay in getting you your something-something. He says he is currently undergoing legal troubles in Nigeria, and in order to send you your something-something, he needs at least $5000 to pay off legal officials. Once he receives the $5000 he will you give you a little

Yay Vita, somebody still loves you! :D

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by their choice of video game console.

No Dragon's Crown? Muramasa? or Soul Sacrifice? Sometimes I question your tastes.

no........just no.

I don't think it's a big deal, since most people these days have been emulating them with their PC's for years. I use my ps3 gamepad wirelessly through my pc onto my 32 inch all the time and reminence about the days when you could actually sit down and be content. Not to mention all the emulators on smart phones

Shhh... don't say that too loudly. You may attract the morons who can't see the clear difference between Microsoft's DRM policy and Sony's DRM policy. They already have too much on their plates, what with the whole "comprehension" thing.


EyeToy came out in 2003... So yeah, they did.

Yeah cause Microsoft clearly did it first.

your comments are fucking boring.