the last time it was on, man. they pump out a ton of episodes a season but only 5 of the episodes are any good. even then they’re not anywhere near episodes from seasons 1-18.
the last time it was on, man. they pump out a ton of episodes a season but only 5 of the episodes are any good. even then they’re not anywhere near episodes from seasons 1-18.
these guys get paid a ton of money. after this much time I’d like to think I'd ask for a bit less money for a lot more talent in the writer’s room.
Forza Horizon on PS4.
I was already running it through Wineskin on my Mac. I didn’t realize that SE would actually consider me a Mac developer, pay me for it and then sell it to their customers.
it would be awesome to have a Killzone total conversion mod for Insurgency. sound effects, voices, music, maps, skins. mmmmmmmm.
went all Hotline Miami on us at the end there.
yeah, I’ve been reading comments from other players on the XB1 threads/subreddits about how the 360/PS3 version had 2 patches over 2 years and the game plays like shit.
yeah I saw that. something to do with huge boobs wigging out will undoubtedly get posted well before an actual problem with a game that just released.
also, I realize that you can start a heist and then invite 3 friends to play. there are some of us who’s friends don’t play the same games. let alone purchase something as lukewarm as Payday 2. we rely on matchmaking.
I would have liked to post this on an actual Payday 2 Crimewave Edition post but you haven’t made one (yet), either for review or just to inform people about the game breaking bugs on Xbox One.
the motor cycle scene, the snowboarding game. it’s going to be awesome.
the next one should be set in space/alien planets.
why didn’t they talk about FFXI coming to iOS? I hate youuuuuuu SE.
please be using the FFXV engine. this company loves to jumble around engines.
the game looks great.
so eventually I can play Fable Anniversary. nice.
around the time MW2 was released and forward (no particular order): CS:GO, BioShock 2 & Infinite, Battlefield :Bad Company 2 & BF3, Halo: Reach & Halo 4, Far Cry 3 & 4, Metro 2033 & Last Light, Wolfenstein: The New Order, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat, Fallout: New Vegas, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Crysis 2, Left 4…
^ this is the funniest 15 year old on the planet right now.
adds COOP, I scream “fuck yes!”
there’s a ton of really good FPS games... so what are you talking about, son?