it was the last one Infinity Ward truly made.
it was the last one Infinity Ward truly made.
or... having no stars = wanted level 1.
you should always make fun of 38 year old illiterate millionaires.
Konami is burning to the ground right before our eyes. was there some sort of executive/stakeholder shakeup that preceded the Kojima shitstorm?
I'd totally be down for XII release on PC. I'd love a remastered version of it too. terrible characters but the gameplay is ear the best in the franchise.
what is more annoying than it not opening is the fact that when you try to open the door the game says “The door is closed.” I know, shit head, that’s why I want to open it.
I'm going to veer way off point here:
catchy name.
Dark Souls > Demon's Souls
is this game created by close friends of Kotaku staffers? it feels like it gets one article a day on this site. cool it.
honestly, are you smoking crack before writing articles? at best this game is mediocre.
isn't Zombie Army Trilogy coming to Xbox One on March 6th too?
though I don't follow these games very closely (I wasn't into the dripping cheese that was Arkham Asylum/City but I rather enjoyed Arkham Origins) I was under the impression that "Arkham Knight" was a new villain and was the focus of this game, not Scarecrow. am I way off?
5 minutes? so you finished the tutorial and thought "fuck this shit"?
it's on Xbox One too, m'Lord.
I guess my nursing home fighting game Elder Fallout might be headed for a name change.
gank squad.