your amazing at englishes
your amazing at englishes
the developers of Torchlight had the look of relief on their faces. "finally," they said "our thumbs have been removed from our asses."
if you cheat to win you should have to forfeit that win. not advance to the fucking Super Bowl.
Killzone 2 has awesome multiplayer. I love Southern Hills.
you mean, "buy another Dennaton game" right?
he took three steps with the ball and then made a football move by moving it into his hand and out stretching his arm for the goal line. he had complete possession. so much possession that he reached for the TD.
while I agree with the fact that he could have gotten the defense playing better I do not agree with the widespread idea (by the NFL/talking heads, uninformed bloggers) that Atlanta's defense sucks. they were basically playing with their 2nd and 3rd string players almost the entire season. what started out as all of…
though I enjoyed the movie after reading Mark explain it point by point it does seem like it was completely fictional. they made things up or threw other things away. all of which change the story greatly. seems like the director wanted this movie instead of the actual story.
so the only way to announce the fight is either a completely biased misrepresentation of it or an extremely vague description? seems like NESN thinks Boston fans are pretty stupid.
Boston announcers biased to the point of insanity? no way...
it just goes to show that being a world class asshole with an insatiable appetite for shit fits doesn't get you job security.
1. that links takes me to a page about a character designer who never worked on Final Fantasy XV and as of Dec. 5th he no longer works for Square Enix.
you have a huge crush on Chad Kelly.
the Lions have dirty O-linemen and D-lineman. they have never been put under a microscope so they have never stopped doing it.
maybe a *gasp* woman designed Cidney. or can only men design video games?
they aren't making your game. they are making their game.
so the poor writing was fine when there were playable female characters. but now that it's an all male cast there's a serious problem? that's sexist.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that we don't know what's unique about them because we haven't played the game yet.
you are not a customer until you have paid for Final Fantasy XV. so, that doesn't make sense.
it seems to me that creating a game this size while also creating several unique male characters to anchor the story is the opposite of lazy.