
This was my first car! I had an 85 in dark grey. Loved that car so much, despite it’s 86 horsepower, it had a 0-60 in the 9's because it was so light. I was young and foolish and used to do 90 on the highway as my regular cruising speed. Unfortunately my young and foolish self also led to its destruction by rear

The AC expansion valve on a Toyota Camry. The entire dash has to come out, and to remove the dash the center console/shifter, steering wheel, and instrument cluster all have to come out first. Also, every screw is a Phillips head with loctite. It’s the only time I’ve felt true despair while working on a car.

Nope. He doesn’t cover any of it at all. Now if he had calculated the theoretical intake volume (or measured it) and compared it to the amount of gas in the balloon, that would have been interesting. Because of course not all fuel is consumed, especially in a cold engine. Plus you have condensation of the water vapor

Yeah, he’s not accounting for the volume of all the gas produced by the combustion of the fuel. Not to mention the exhaust gas is going to be heated so it will occupy a significantly larger volume than the amount of intake air. Kind of a crappy explanation for someone with a channel called “engineering explained”

I DD an 81 El Camino and I pretty much always use my left foot for the brake. The major reason is that the pedals are really close together, but the brake pedal is about 4-5 inches “higher” than the gas, which makes it hard to quickly get to the brake without your foot hanging up on it. Plus, it’s a real shit heap so

The strangest thing is that he just keeps hanging out by his truck. If that was me, I would have sprinted back down the jetty as soon as there was a lull in the waves. Well, if that was me I wouldn’t have driven out there in the first place, but you know.

Code says it is expired. Let us know if they update it!

Code says it is expired. Let us know if they update it!

I was in Colorado Springs the week that this windstorm blew in. It was the strongest winds I have ever personally been in. And the extra weird thing was how it was completely blue sky. Such a strange juxtaposition. We drove home the day after the windstorm and passed several overturned trucks just like the one in the

The square steering wheel seems out of place. I guess it’s supposed to just be “futurey”

I drove a friends 2013 or 2014 Rogue, and holy crap was it a dismal experience. It could barely maintain cruising speed on inclines and the awful CVT was jumping all over the place trying in vain to locate some of the supposed 141 horsepower. Oh, and it only got 22mpg. It did have a nice backup camera.

I finally got Mechwarrior 3 to install on a W10 system by using DxWnd. It’s a really complicated but awesome little software that functions a lot like DosBox but for old Direct X games. The game wouldn’t even start due to missing or wrongly installed dll files but with a little bit of tweaking I got it to run

How would you get compression though? You’d still need something to turn the engine to compress the fuel/air mixture.

Not a lawyer type, but I think it’s because this charge will actually stick. The Baltimore cops who were involved with Freddie Grey’s death were charged with murder, 1st degree if I’m not mistaken. That’s a pretty high bar to set. It involves premeditation which is difficult to prove. 2nd degree murder can include

“Hey Tyler, you’re about to rip your fender off whenever you turn”
so perfect

I encountered a similar situation on a road trip once. Me and my buds came over a hill to find a Suburban on its side and a Uhaul trailer off in the ditch. We must have come up on the crash just seconds after it happened because there was a whole family inside. The dad managed to get out and start pulling the kids

yeah, satire doesn’t really work when your audience isn’t “in” on it. I miss PFTC’s election reporting especially, he was the best political satirist since Colbert.

Oh man, I’ve got a good one. So me and a guy from our state wildlife department were out doing some sampling for little invertebrates that live down between the spaces in the gravels in river beds. Real exciting, I know. Anyways, one of the sites was a creek (Hondo Creek west of San Antonio if you’re interested) that

I was in Guatemala a few years ago and we rented one of these. Diesel and everything. It’s a great car as long as your trip is all downhill, trying to make it up some of highway grades without being run over by trucks was a terrifying experience to say the least. This thing has about the same hill climb abilities as a
