Swingers' Fondue

And if sharing Patton Oswalt tweets doesn't turn the tide, perhaps try raising consciousness by asking what exactly makes La La Land so divisive?

This is correct. Brian Eno gets credit for inventing ambient music, but what he truly contributed was the intellectual justifications. His was more of a conceptual art approach rather than a musical one. Popul Vuh preceded Eno - trying to make distinctions that would classify them as either ambient or new age is

I totally agree. While I thought the film was a bit uneven, Dourif steps right out of the pages of that book as Hazel Motes. He also seems to carry the flavour of Flannery O'Connor's prose in his performance as well, and not just in his dialogue. While the movie isn't perfect, his performance is. This is one of those

Love this movie. I think it might still be on YouTube.

Man sits in a bathroom stall
Looks, sees there's no paper on the roll…
I wish we'd all been ready…

Oh, how you've wasted your life, Rabin…

The credits rolling when they do in that movie creates a moment where you have to reorient yourself. But I have long considered Cure as the pinnacle of what the horror genre has to offer (toss up between that and Audition - the Japanese had a good run there).

That moment singlehandedly justified a third Exorcist. It is a textbook example of how jump scares done right are a craft in themselves.

This just in: men find beautiful actresses attractive.


I'm no white pride advocate, but it seems to me like the words "white and male" has become a lazily dismissive catchphrase when discussing pop culture. I feel like it is meant to simply poison the well by conjuring images of a Fred Durst type and implying guilt by association. I just tend to get annoyed by these lazy

Jack Reacher: Round 2.

This is how I felt about the end credits of Natural Born Killers - like the floor sweepings in the editing suite and Leonard Cohen could make the preceding movie's point in 6 or 7 glorious minutes.

I had no idea Gail died…
Was totally aware Zappa was a shitty father.

Where's the animated interview where Zappa exposes the Illuminati?

The traumatic effects of this movie are overstated. Extreme peril in movies = drama and kids eat it up. My daughter discovered this movie just before she went for kidney surgery and watched it repeatedly all through her long recovery. I think it spoke to her hardship. Any time I hear "Bright Eyes" it seems to capture

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