
@Hey_Blinkon: Wow, I'm in college now, and I'm 6 feet and 142 pounds. I'm also a vegetarian who runs everyday.

I'm really thin too, 6'1" and 142 pounds.

@Michael Dukakis: Yeah well, its a stressful job, makes them a little ..highstrung.

I think I'm going to get a Kia Soul, the sport model, with the manual transmission.

They should get a jump on working up a fix for that glitch.

I like running 5Ks.

@nukee: You warmed up to the idea eventually though, right? =]

I'm feeling burnt out on games. *sigh* I want to play, but when I actually have time to sit down I just stare at the screen then give up.

That looks really nice. I would never play on a console like that though, I would be wayy too scared of it breaking.

Hey! Heavy Rain spoiler in the 8 characters list!

He looks a bit like Kevin Spacey.


I almost got paddled once, in first grade. Something about knocking another kid off the water fountain stool, if I recall correctly. (Hey, I was thirsty!)

@Michael Dukakis: You should be kicking yourself for that one, you've used that pun before.

Not too bad. Its not like they had eXtra Large sales, but I don't think that's the point of the device. Its a niche device, for people who always want the newest handheld, people with bad eyes, and people with large hands.

You know, this is a very good idea. We've got our free aim, and people who are intimidated by aiming with analog sticks get their easy and user-friendly option. Best of both worlds right there.

@thespyderboy: I love KOTOR 1 so much. You'll have fun with it. =]