
You know, I'm in a philosophical mood right now, so I am going to talk about what I think love is.

I like it, but its missing a mutated dog.

Heh, if the editors are going to do videos for notes now, I can't wait to see what Owen comes up with.

Good for them, I wish them all the best. They deserve to work at a place that is better then Activision.

I played the original Splinter Cell back in the day. How much different is the gameplay in this incarnation, and would I get more enjoyment out of Conviction if I played all the other Splinter Cells?

@data_enabler: I don't know, but that is pretty damn hilarious. You have made my day. =]

Employee: "God of War 3? No we don't have that. We have something better! God of War 2!"

I think this says a lot about Zampella and Wests' leadership and not just the way Activision handles their employees.

Also, Madison's weird dream with the people attacking her. What the fuck happened? It was the most interesting thing about her character to me, and its just a short little vignette that is never mentioned again.

@JayUnreal, JASON!: That was easily the best fight in the whole series. Cronos totally had it coming.

Anyone else have those times when you want to play a game, but not any of the games you own?

@chrollo0427: Nah, they've got a few surprises in the game. Namely, a Water Temple and a Hoth level.

@LucasReis: I'm inclined to agree with you. Even stereoscopic 3D gives me a headache, and I don't think its even needed to make a great game or movie.

I love me some Fruity Pebbles. I've never even heard of Weetabix before though.

Well, maybe at E3 EA will have a Fighting chance of Taking Down THQ.

@dracosummoner: I sprung for the collectors edition, and haven't regretted it one bit. Its a lot of fun.

@RPharazon: You took the words right out of my mouth. I'm definitely getting Just Cause 2 as well.

What's your favorite game that most people don't like?