
So, about this Activision thing.

@!Skyline!: It is better when you get Link's boomera...I mean 'The Crossblade'.

@madammina: Joseph is saying, "Kratos has two swords, and they're thisssss long."

Probably going to see Cop Out, play Heavy Rain, and maybe do a little shopping.

Like some other commenters, I am also playing on a 250gb slim. It has completely locked up once, I got stuck on the stairs once, and audio has completely cut out once for about 1 minute.

Great article!

I just watched Frost/Nixon. Excellent movie.

That seems accurate, to a point. When a game is better then my mental demo, it is (usually) a pleasant surprise.

@Skunky: So take a PS3. Just make sure George Hotz is under surveillance.

@Polterg3ist won't be pleased: Eminem goes well with Halo 3. (try the song 'soldier' in multiplayer, and see if it doesn't get you fired up and playing better)

@atg1: Spam the trebuchets. Just stay behind it and fire endlessly. When the Darkspawn start endlessly spawning (teehee) call out the dwarves, or Templars to keep them away from you, so you can keep smacking the archdemon from long range.

Busy? I just woke up!

@Crimsondramon: Gengar, but that's mostly because I prefer the original pokemon.

@deanbmmv: Yes I have. The poster below me liked Vampire Rain.

@dirty: 2001: A Space Odyssey, Serenity, Patton, and American History X all look amazing.