@Michael Dukakis: You're going to stir up a storm of controversy with that pun.
@Michael Dukakis: You're going to stir up a storm of controversy with that pun.
@Vecha: "How long do you want it?"
@S.I.: Faster than the speed of awesome: A while back. I think Gore Verbinski backed out, then it was put on hold. I could be wrong though.
@maxtothez: Pokemon Yellow.
Aw, I didn't get my first library card until I was 4. Then my mother would take me and let me pick out up to 5 different books. We would have to go back every 2 days though, I was a fast reader even then.
@Michael Dukakis: I can see why. Its really odd seeing CA in red..
What is your favorite color?
@Mega-Driven: Ha! Good one.
@Michael Dukakis: "These puns have made me slightly batty."
That was cute.
@dnadns: Definitely me. I got Assassin's Creed 2, Batman: AA, and now Bioshock 2 in collectors editions.
@OW-Holmes: Space Hamsters?
@PanifexMaximus: It does exist, its called 'Heritage Dr. Pepper'. I just got a new 12 pack of cans today. It doesn't taste that much different from normal Dr. Pepper though.
@hazelnut: Ha, that could be interesting.
Who else thinks that Mountain Dew Throwback needs to stay?
@Fernando Jorge: Every conversation I have I usually think of in terms of Mass Effect. As in, should I go paragon with this person, or tell them to fuck off? Damn, where is my interrupt opportunity??
@mintycrys is HOT for Bayonetta: Here is my total completed.
Alright, let's try to find out how long it takes people to 'get it', on average.