
@Michael Dukakis: You're going to stir up a storm of controversy with that pun.

@Vecha: "How long do you want it?"


Aw, I didn't get my first library card until I was 4. Then my mother would take me and let me pick out up to 5 different books. We would have to go back every 2 days though, I was a fast reader even then.

What is your favorite color?

That was cute.

@dnadns: Definitely me. I got Assassin's Creed 2, Batman: AA, and now Bioshock 2 in collectors editions.

@PanifexMaximus: It does exist, its called 'Heritage Dr. Pepper'. I just got a new 12 pack of cans today. It doesn't taste that much different from normal Dr. Pepper though.

@hazelnut: Ha, that could be interesting.

Who else thinks that Mountain Dew Throwback needs to stay?

@Fernando Jorge: Every conversation I have I usually think of in terms of Mass Effect. As in, should I go paragon with this person, or tell them to fuck off? Damn, where is my interrupt opportunity??

Alright, let's try to find out how long it takes people to 'get it', on average.