A dude who passes on locking down the mythological cute buxom redhead, shouldn't be death. He should be dead.
A dude who passes on locking down the mythological cute buxom redhead, shouldn't be death. He should be dead.
Cartoonivore — for a different sort of fatal masturbation.
Wait, he paid for it on Steam...and now he can't get it on steam. So he wants the money back for the game he can't get the way he wanted it. How is that entitled?
53? Should have been 22!
Kotaku Reviews are the opposite of Kotaku Lists. They are in depth, well thought out and thoroughly explained. I love the reviews. Sorry for the backhanded complement, but the reviews are fantastic and the lists are an abomination that lessens the site and makes it feel like some dude just BSing his way through a…
No, he said BBQ, you're thinking seafood but somehow typing BBQ. Seattle has great seafood. I've lived in the Pacific Northwest and Central CA...and Kansas City. There is no great barbeque on the coast. Kansas City has one of the biggest BBQ competitions—the American Royal (Joe's Invitational). If it ain't KC or…
It'll be okay, azztomouth.
Not just having...firing a gun in public. More like Cap'n 'MURICA!
Yeah, but those aren't FPS games. They are western RPGs.
I loved how irreverent it was. I'd gotten so tired of—as you say—Modern Military Shootermans 2013 Brofest Edition DLC. It was something different with some easy humor and some actually relatively deep characters. Tiny Tina? A WHOLE sad as hell back story explaining her insanity. I liked BL2.
Or didn't take itself too seriously. Tiny Tina's DLC, though...choice.
Don't get baited. This is relevant to the gaming community. Brush it off.
Yeah, they cleaned a lot of that up. It's really functional now. Still the trash drops that will be broken down for crafting, but MUCH better than before.
Luke, could you guys please, PLEASE explain what each ranking line-up is ranked by. Just feels like click bait and a waste of time. This is overly common and makes the site feel amateur. Why is the ranking in WHAT ORDER. WHY?
Smash Bros. Wii U Controller/Adapter Bundle
Could be worse. http://kotaku.com/super-smash-br…
Thanks. Why do they pay you, again?