
based on journalism. Because if you're going to do a job, you might as well do a terrible one with absolutely no explanation just to get the easy clicks. Seriously, terrible work here. Jason dialed this one in.

Regardless, Bungie: As adults with roommates, spouses, children, and pizza delivery guys occasionally asking for our attention, we cordially ask you to add some way to pause your fucking game. Thanks.

Naw, it's in the same hand. Left from back view = right from front view. But yeah, bad landing.

Daisy. Peach is a tease, Daisy doesn't play those games. She knows what she wants and she gets it.

And knuckles. He's really bad at landing, it seems.

If he has the voice, this may be one of the greatest cosplays of all time.

"This wall is less effective than we thought."

These look like 3D printers...built by 3D printers. Explanation: flimsy as all hell.


Oh, Bubastis.

Caught me off guard as well. It's almost like they cared this week.

pssst...(I was making a joke about the GamePad for the WiiU)

GiantBoyDetective — because how does that even work?

No, it would be a better system. All touch screen gaming? It's a tablet gaming device with built in buttons, d-pad and analog controls. And it actually plays Nintendo products. It's the greatest thing ever.

Hey, you work for them! So even employees hate this terrible version of Kotaku that APPARENTLY NOBODY likes? Always wondered who would be the first staff member to crack and comment on how terrible it is. You are the winner!

only of your name is Roxanne, though. Mike is safe.

He's trying to save the environment. Those gifs leave a HUGE carbon footprint.

Kinda had the same thought. Swinging wildly with flourishes or poor footwork is messy. Efficient movements are beautiful and economic. Fatigue would be just as deadly as bad form on the battlefield, so efficient and concise movement is what it's about.

Wait, how is this a scandal? I'm confused. A women in the industry had a relationship or maybe even slept with a man in the industry? Shocker! People are possibly having sex, start the alarms!!! Better start the impeachment trials...::facepalm::