
It is unrelated. Why did you start that here? It's a good topic of discussion, just seems random to start it up here.

There aren't enough stars in the heavens for this comment w/pics!

Someone get a little drunk on the tilt-shift effect?

Stands for LOL?

I think you accidentally filed this to "Tomb Raider", when you should have filed it to "Kind of Pointless and Not Well Executed".

they'll do something. This was one of the few celebrity deaths that rocked me. It's a Damn shame he ended his life early, was a huge fan, and miss his works and wit. He did great things, both comedic and dramatic.

Accountability? Crazy concept.

Like the specs, can they make one that doesn't look like TRON 2.0 vomited all over it? Those lines and design...It's been over a decade since I was 13 and thought cathode ray tubes in my rig and futuristic designs were cool.

Like the specs, can they make one that doesn't look like TRON 2.0 vomited all over it? Those lines and design...It's

A Wipe of Jenkins is the correct term.

The fact that he was legitimized changes things as well...

Thanks for explaining, I don't play DOTA and was wondering "what's the big deal?"

Think something's wrong with my Kotaku, I was looking for an explanation by you when you posted, but I still can't see it. The link just went to the reddit page, which I couldn't sieve for info fast enough to stay interested. I'll just use Invertex's then. Did you actually post an explanation?

I mean, just picture it: imagine a veritable buffet of PlayStation games from the last three generations, streaming and playable whenever you want, all for, say, $20/month. Maybe you can only rent a couple of games at a time—or maybe you can only rent a few games every month—but instead of paying exorbitant prices for

That makes more sense.

(Most) Wine and beer are made in stainless steel vats...and so are spirits (sometimes copper).

He takes a swig from a can of Bawls energy drink (a QuakeCon staple since time immemorial—at this point the drink is an official sponsor of the event) spiked with a less... wholesome beverage and then hands it to me. We get to talking, and the conversation quickly takes a turn for the mournful.

awesome, though if zero had rapped in haiku, would have been 11/10.

"He spends too much time trying to defend himself—which I understand as an impulse, given the gravity of the situation—and not enough time contemplating the idea that he might've messed up. Or, more importantly than either of these, taking the discussion in a useful direction."

No, because it isnt true. That's a misuse of the term. I don't think you gets its actual meaning. Exceptionalism is something that could lead to nationalism. Misusing the brand name LEGO is like northern Californians use Coke in the place of Soda-Pop, "I'll take a coke." "What kind?" "Dr. Pepper, please." Which is

Is that your word of the day? Did you just get out of a class where they mentioned it and feel that you needed to regurgitate it without absorbing the contents?