
Um...I'm really confused what you are looking for, you've said you are surprised we aren't at some new level of mouse technology right now...and I'm wondering what you are expecting. DarkField tech is not visible, works on GLASS and pretty much every surface with perfect resolution (even carpet, I tried it) and is

Hold onto your butts...

Donkey Kong is SUPERMAN and Mario is Batman.

Good point. God, I love Plinkett's reviews. I actually thought Ewan McGregor did a relatively good job. Except the delivery of the "younglings" line, which no human could take that line seriously while delivering it.

Super Mario Chess Set ($20) | Best Buy | Clearance

It's the only logical iteration of his name. Who takes a last name and a first name, switches them and adds the end-all consideration of the out-of-sorts Scandinavian -son? What does that phone book look like? How terrible is it to be a tax auditor there? Anything similar makes about as much sense as his ungodly

There's the tie-in with the Collector from Thor 2 at 1:59. I really want this to not suck, but I think they may be going a bit hard on the wacky-angle for this first trailer. Still, have to give it to Marvel for pulling out the really fun and unique B-Listers for some cosmic fun. Takes a pair to put literally over

I, and Roger Ebert, feel it was his most compelling work. He actually spent months among the cedars of Lebanon to prepare for the role. He would later use this talent for his visceral portrayals in such memorable roles as "That one dude who sucks in everything" and "Screw that guy, he raped my childhood." Such a

No, no...that was his last name. But you were close. It was Christian Haydenson. He also played the cross in The Passion of the Christ.

Tribes, in a big way. If you weren't skilled at skiing, and incredible speed generation, you couldn't be very affective unless you were content with being a Heavy On Flag.

Go back to Team Fortress Classic and watch a Medic conc around like Spiderman on speed.

Man, that's almost as bad as people getting tricked into paying $29.99 for DayZ Alpha Keys...it's not even Beta. Thirty dollars. On Steam. Alpha.

Hyvee Fuel Saver, Insurance and Gamestop cards can all be kept on your phone using apps. Now you don't need them anymore. Even when you go to the doctor, they can pull up your insurance for you using your info.

Who uses wallets? Money clip all the way. I see people with wallets 2 inches thick, and at that point it's a mini-purse. All you need is an ID, a couple of credit cards and some cash. Done. With you on the front pocket department. Cell in back pocket, because if I'm sitting, my phone is going to be out anyways.

The bundle will come with the new model of Sony's handheld, the upcoming port of Borderlands 2 ("and add-on content"), and an 8GB memory card.

Yeah, launching from a browser is annoying as hell.

Why did they package these figures in old box sets of The Highlander?

In a lot of mainstream multiplayer video games, we dress up as a soldier and take on opposing teams of other, similar soldiers. What if there were a game about a team of soldiers taking on one GIANT opponent? Maybe a massive beast that breathes fire? That'd be cool.