
For as many keyboard-centric games there are on PC, there are just as many games that are best played with a controller because they're made that way. Dark Souls sounds horrible with a keyboard and mouse, as does Batman, Dead Space, or Hotline Miami. I actually like the loose analog controls of the twin sticks and

Which currency do you use? The USD has no gold backing it. Not even silver.

1) It would take -1 videos to make one superior page that had more than 6 facts and less annoying animation.

It's the console's GamePad—its centerpiece controller with a screen of its own—that is appearing more and more to be deficient. The trouble is that Nintendo's concept for the console isn't as well supported by the hardware as it could be. I've been playing the Wii U for a year and have recognized that Nintendo was

Wait, just realized I dropped a new MOBO in there and a Quad about 4 years ago, but still it was a great value at the time(was a Dual Core 6 years ago). Did come with the 8800 GTs in SLI...which was great.

I bought my wife an iBuyPower PC from 6 years ago (didn't want to build from scratch, too busy during 4th quarter) for under $1K. Got it for her to run her RPGs and Oblivion... and it still runs Skyrim quite well. Seriously. Has an old AMD quad, dual 8800 GTs and 8 gigs of RAM. Which still isn't bad by today's

He gets a magical Genie and Marries a princess.

That is an incorrect statement, sir. Came out last month.

That's much more acceptable, imo.

Calm down, Clancy. I was just saying it sounds high. Which it does. If you want to spend $110 to $130 on a controller that has no better functions, but has skulls and biohazards on it, then go for it.

Yeah, Ridiculous Fishing is fun as hell. I love the art style, as well. Makes me think of Zoo Keeper, but a bit sharper.

Yeah, I got they are custom. But they are just prefabbed shells with custom skins. Each one probably takes about 15 minutes to prep on before/after fab and assemble. Doubling the price or $50-70 extra for a "paint job" just sounds high. But, if people want to spend that money...

$130 regular price, while a black one is $59.99? Bit steep, that.


"We built the most powerful gaming PC ever made...then showcased it with...ARMA III. Next we're going to play some CS 1.4!"

I'm color blind, kid.

If it was the Wii U, it'd be "IT'S THE END OF THE END OF THE END!!! WE REALLY HATE THE Wii U!!!" Or something of that nature.

The guy who added a "t" to "though"? Yeah, you are that guy.

I really like the part where it says it is no longer availalbe due to copyright claim by EA. That was extreme!

It's for his "show". It's all staged, as you can see when he opens the PS4 shipping box with his bare hands and there is no packaging styro or peanuts or even bubble wrap.