
Yeah, it's awesome. I've gotten some great deals knowing that Amazon will automatically match prices. And their customer service is top notch. They call YOU when you have an issue, and fix it really fast. I buy everything I can (barring clothes and refrigerated goods) from Amazon, knowing I'm going to get the best

Yeah, if they didn't make the last season, this would probably be on my list. It's essentially the opposite build of Breaking Bad. BB built up slowly and methodically to the most well staged (and closing) series finale in recent memory. Dexter was slowly bleeding out after season 4 (pun intended).

Looney Toons. No competition. Chuck Jones made the best ever.

Is Gergo Vas driving a new car? It has a really big decal of Late Night on the side...

Actually, from what I've read, they are private. They were contracted to make 3 games for Sony, and now that is up. They are no longer first party, unless something has changed. Though, at the time, they were in fact contracted to sony when Journey was made.

Then let me redact:

This is going to sound crazy, this being an indie game and all, but I think Journey was the best gaming experience I've had on the PS3. It's also easily in my top 20 games of all time, without even having to weigh it.

Someone at Kotaku really likes Jimmy Fallon.

Better for fighting games, maybe. But for most other games, you will lose the definition and the detail. FPS games would be significantly lessened by a CRT. Any form of tessellation would be wasted. Fine detail? Nope. Anything with small text is nearly unreadable. Eye-strain while reading a codex in-game or a game

Way to tell a whole group of people they are douche bags. I was about to defend you, then noticed you are a dick. Never mind, you are a caveman and a lesser human being, not being a PC Gamer. That's what you want to hear, so there you go.

That's how it is identified. So yeah, that's the name for it. Also called a double dream, if you want another term. Then again, you can also call it a dream within a dream. So there's three. If you are going to say something doesn't have a name, be right.

Dreams within dreams are called "false awakenings". So yeah, there's a name for that.

Don't forget that Mario picks up and spins a 10 ton Bowser by his tail. Guys got some power. It's pretty evident that they are winning this easy. Not fanboy, but just seeing the obvious.

It's all in the details...look at the grass. Zangief and Kratos' team are getting dragged and there's a look of fear in their eyes moments before defeat. Marios side doesn't have a skuff and none of them look worried.

I also vote for it. Apparently it is case sensitive.

My card of choice. I Vote 770. It's a beast, and is noticeably less expensive than the other cards that outperform it. It's not a cheap card, but for the buck I think it's the best. Put two together, which costs less than one Titan, and you get a world of power. Two 770s in SLI will smoke a Titan (about a grand), and

Their first try wasn't so bad. Think I have a picture around here of it...

Step 1) Throw mac into trash.

Not going to be playing "The Room" that you have listed up there. It's the Kindle Tablet Edition, not for android phones, as you have it listed. Bummer.