
Uh, it’s not the ‘mere presence’ that is the problem. It’s that she is dividing the party further by outright blaming Bernie for her loss. He challenged her in a primary, that’s what happens. She is literally the only candidate in recent history who has complained about having to be primaried. If anything, Bernie

What abilities?

Jeb can still win!

Honestly? Good. It’s been running on fumes since Iannucci left. Still funny one-liners and great acting all around but there has been almost no real plot for a couple years.

Hell yeah I love Taiga, excited for this one

Taiga remains 1 of my top 5 albums of all-time, but the production, drum work, and variety of songcraft on this album makes this stunning, too. It’s just enough true darkness and noise that it buoys, rather than obscures, the pure power and pop adjacent to it. Exhumed, Siphon, and Doma/Home are the best tracks, so

Her campaign should have been titled “I wither”. Trump is a billion times worse, but Hillary is no Barak Obama.

And taking the analysis back one step further, why do Mexicans and Central Americans immigrate to the US in the first place? It’s because of a long, bipartisan history of colonialism that Democrats have helped to implement. NAFTA, the neoliberal structural reforms that we pushed in the 80s and 90s, all those coups

I just hope that when this is all over, if there’s still a country afterwards, that the left doesn’t repeat the mistake she of center-right triangulation because that’s what gave us Trump (along with gerrymandering and vote suppression). Clinton and Obama and Clinton tried to out-tough-on-illegals the republicans, and

Don’t be ridiculous; everyone knows history began with the 2016 primary season.

I honestly thought that was a photo of Penn And Teller at first. I shouldn’t be drinking.

You were the Southern Californian Forrest Gump.

New DFA! I’ve liked the new singles well enough that I’m sure this will be good

Over the weekend I had a long drive to make so I wanted to see how much Brand New I could listen to and started with Your Favorite Weapon (and it turns out NY to RI is exactly as long as all their albums up through track 4 on Daisy).

I would like to complain about Pitchfork and I dont see peepingtorgo having already done it:

I have a really embarrassing story I was in rhode island the other weekend and wore my camp cope shirt just in case we were at the same donut shop

I ship you guys.

I have been pretty fixated on Odesza since I was introduced by a friend in Seattle back around 4th of July. They have a new album releasing in September, some tracks have been pre-released. Check out the track “Late Night.”

I’m surprised he didn’t sign it as “King in the North”, although since he bent the knee to Daenarys it makes sense. But when he left for Dragonstone and handed control of Winterfell to Sansa, it was more of a “house-sit this place for me while I’m gone” and less of “you’re the queen in the north”. The northern lords