

I don't live in New England but I am also sick of the Patriots.

That's easy, Belichick and Brady, of course!

The AV Club

Great! Finally got to see Elle.

That's a good one.

Great! Now we just need to get in touch with Green Day to make it happen.

Or, instead of getting rid of Medicare, offer it to everyone and get rid of the market-based clusterf*** we have now…

Eh, they were only essential when we had a right wing Democrat in the White House and all the liberals got complacent. They missed their shot a comeback during Obama's presidency. They were probably planning on Hillary.

It's the only one so far that I couldn't be bothered to finish, so you may be on to something there.

The AV Club

Yes, I hear you, and for the record I have little trouble believing that Russia hacked the DNC. However, none of the agencies have provided even a shred of evidence that they handed the stuff to WikiLeaks. The story from WikiLeaks is that it was an internal leak, which seems consistent with a bitterly divided party

Yes, the CIA would never lie to the American people!

Well, too neoliberal, maybe…

Finally got to see Elle, which was finally playing in my podunk one-of-largest-cities-in-the-country.

Hmmm, I'm thinking reading the AV Club does not count as paying attention to the music press, no?

To conclude, assuming you have made it this far, thanks again for offering a
serious response. I hope you’ll seriously consider all that I’ve had to say.
Your criticism actually caused me to read more about the subject than I had
previously and consider matters with a fresh eye. In the end though, everything
I read, on

Because, even if the Dems were more liberal and left-wing, and prosecuted the hell out of the banks, the Reps would have undone the stimulus the first chance they got in 2010. "You're
crushing commerce and American jobs!" They would… and did… cry.

Anyway, moving on…