
That’s because they do it for 40 million people with limited immigration. We have more illegals in this country then the entire population of Canada. Take 5-10 million of them into Canada and let them use your healthcare. But remember, they’re illegal so if they do work they’re not paying taxes. They only consume, not

Then the bitch should feel free to move back to Canada and keep her stupid socialistic programs in her stupid effing country. Who cares WTF Canada does? There’s more people living in California and Texas and they don’t have the scourge of Mexico and South America flooding their borders. I wish her mother had an

Yes, the illegal’s who get welfare, EBT and obamacare! What a struggle.

It also allows the lazy and illegal to have access to the worlds best healthcare system for free. I’ll bet you’re either filthy rich from “old” money or a pothead scumbag whose never moved out of mom’s house. Either way I know you don’t work your ass off 40+ hours a week, sit in traffic for another 6-10 hours a week