
But he is right. There is a vocal set of people who are committed to “believing survivors/accusers” based on nothing other than the fact that they have accused someone of sexual assault. This describes many commenters here on Jezebel. It ignores any interest in finding the actual truth and is a bananas way of going

I don’t buy it. Unless LSD has changed tremendously in the last 20 years, violence and acid don’t really go together. I was always too busy having really intense conversations and laughing. Paranoia didn’t factor in as it might with MJ.

This is hitting way too close to home, literally and figuratively. My heart breaks for this poor girl’s family and friends.

When you don’t know about BDSM, S&M and Bondage..... This is supposed to be a latex BDSM mask.... And this joke that she looks young & body shaming her is really getting old

I mean calling women the weaker sex is a gross generalization.

“Note that this pair of questions implicitly proposes that there is a 50/50 chance that the accusations against Montague are false.”

Excellent post! My husband is 15 years older than me and the side eye this site constantly gives all age gap relationships is bullshit.

I guess my point is that blanket statements about what is the appropriate age to date (as consensual adults! - super important) and proclamations of “ewwww” vary from person to person. Everyone’s different. I’ve dated all ages at all ages starting from 18 years old- mostly because I was pretty mature for my age. Your

I don’t know. When I was 19, I was dating a 43-year old man. He was weirded out by it, and we broke up numerous times because as he says “he didn’t want me pushing his wheel chair when he got older,” but I wasn’t phased at all. And didn’t feel like there was some horrible power dynamic or anything. I was kind of scary

From a strictly scientific standpoint, it is an interesting question.

I feel for the family, but Syed did not get a fair trial and there is a lot of evidence that appears to show that he may not be guilty at all. There was police misconduct, and misleading evidence was presented at trial.

I mean that has absolutely nothing to do with the infantilizing of this woman and saying she “looks 13". Making money off of women by marketing them to horny men, whether or not that’s right or wrong (I’m not sure it’s exactly wrong, but that’s neither here nor there) really has nothing to do with saying it’s “PEDO”

Agreed. I find this article to be a tad extra sensitive on the topic. Mulder is clearly not incredibly familiar with the topic and explaining it can be confusing and mildly uncomfortable to some. Especially in a fantastical sense to a very confused were-monster who’s somehow Australian. To the general public this can

I thought Mulder’s response showed that he *knew* it wasn’t right to say “she used to be a man,” but the proper way to describe the situation to someone who was completely ignorant. As the toad character so desperately wanted to die because his very identity was now challenged by his body- they drew the parallel but

It’s a show about monsters. I didn’t get that the writer was trying to draw a parallel between monster and trans* at all. Mulder fumbled his explanation and it felt appropriate. He’s a forty something year old cis guy that watches a shit ton of porn. He’s not going to get it 100% correct but he tried. The writer

I don’t understand this.

Interesting, I’ve been told in the Jezebel comment section more than once that meeting a woman out in public (bookstore, grocery store, etc) would be creepy and weird, and if I were to approach a woman in a setting other than online or through a mutual friend then it would be because I felt entitled to know her.

I can’t speak for all men, but I’ve sort of given up on the real-life approach. Too often I hear (online and IRL) women complaining about guys randomly hitting on them in public places. Maybe I’m just too egocentric and it isn’t meant to be about me, but I don’t want to make someone uncomfortable or creeped out so I

This is the wrong thing to say on a feminist blog (and I’m a feminist/huge Jez fan) but what I hear from my male friends/the overall vibe I get in New York City, where I’ve lived for almost a decade, is that a man won’t ask you out in person, especially in public places like the ones you listed because he’s afraid of

So, I read the original column.