
Why? Because our lives are mundane drudgery and all of us want something, no matter how brief and stupid, that is magical and special to happen to us. No one gets an owl at age 11, no one follows a white rabbit down a hole. We sustain ourselves with fictions because reality is mostly an awful, cold place where you

Your opinion about candy corn is bad and you should feel bad!

Jezebel’s entertainment reporting is hopeless. This reader is some 26 year old dude trying to make some extra cash/contacts on the side. Far from an executive. But if your script doesn’t get good notes, there’s no chance an executive who wields any sort of power will read even 10 pages. The comment is stupid, but

See, this is confusing to me because we said “fuckboy” in college—I’m an Old, suuuper White and went to a very White school. We used it as one would use “donor”, “slam piece” or “dial-a-dick”. A fuckboy was someone you would do it with but who enjoyed no other place in your life or perhaps even your social circle. I

Weddings are dumb though. I mean, I’m married but I think it’s dumb. None of it is necessary and all of it is made up by people wanting to sell you things.

Good relationships are pretty quiet things. They are not spectacular explosions.

But I have come to see that humility is a far more important attribute in a relationship than pathological individuality. In order to demand anything from anyone, you’ll have to be willing to scrutinize yourself too.

So... I just Googled “Michelle Remembers”...

I feel compelled to share this bit of wisdom by David Foster Wallace everywhere I read anything about suicide in the hopes that it can help people - even one person - understand. (Kinja screwed up the formatting and won’t let me change it, but I feel like it’s kind of appropriate for the message.)

Gawker, please, please, pretty please with a bow on top; WRITE MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS.

In other news: Water is wet, fire is hot and scissors are sharp.

There’s been a little bit of shade thrown at The World’s End in this thread, but I just want to pipe up and say that for some of us, The World’s End is our favorite of the trilogy. That film spoke to me the most, the soundtrack evoked a particular time of my life, Nick Frost played against type, and it is rare to get

I wonder how much her rejection of “chill” is a rejection of the distorted perception of the casual hook-up culture that the media pretends we have. As Jezebel has posted about frequently in the past, “hook-up culture” is mostly a media creation of the Hanna Rosen types who like looking at upper-middle class white

Fun fact: I always thought Christopher Robin was a girl, due to his cute bob and ladylike voice. He had a boy name and a girl name, in my brain. That was me being stupid. I did, however, understand that Tigger was a tiger, which most of my students don’t get until I BLOW THIER MINDS.

You are under no obligation to give a wedding gift. Period.

You can think I'm an idiot all you want, but I'm not donating to your honeyfund. If that's the only option, your wedding gift is going to be a card.

"specific economics aside, no matter what a couple asks for as a wedding gift, you should shut right the hell up and give it to them."

Because when they think short hair theu think female mullet. I like short hair. Hell I thought Karen Gillan looked cuter without any hair.

As long as both parties are cool with it, I see no problem.