
Stories like these are the reasons I am continually fascinated by the study of history. And the reason that I've realized all morality is relative. Taking a side is fine, but you'd better be well-aware that the side you've chosen is essentially arbitrary.

@touchitgently: Pretty good flame, I must say (pardon the pun).

I would give this an A- if a 5th grader put it together for a class project. Anything beyond that, it's a bit pathetic.

@themightyspitz: I really wish more people knew about the awesomeness and win that is Archer.

@TheBobmanNH: Lol, I found that hilarious as well.

@Hakib: Right, and since there were no barns built in the 1800s, you must clearly be right. Things always looked brand new until very recently, when all of sudden barns started showing their age.

@curiouscomputer: It makes you realize that 70 years is not all that long. I bet if there were surviving photographs from 2000 years ago, we'd be thinking some of the same things. Part of the reason that history feels so foreign to us is that we don't have a meaningful way of imagining it on the day-to-day level.

It's remarkable how B&W photography conveys a sense of history while color photography conveys reality. When I look at an old B&W photo (or film, for that matter), it's like a foreign world that may or may not have a connection to the one I was born into.

Oh well, I guess 1 failure in a bazillion ain't too bad.

Is it just me, or is there something very bizarre about how his face looks in that photo? Maybe it's just him getting old, but there is something bizarre going on with his skin (and that dyed hair).

@amor.alexia: The least cyncial people I have met in my life are those that have the least, interestingly enough.

I love the one from Tatooine.

@xeebot: Oh my God - someone actually made a real comment. Did you miss out on something?

@Inquartata: I do agree with your negative impressions of the Nook.

@Zinger314: I'd rather not be able to zoom in to see the pores on their skin. Or sores, for that matter.

@otus: Surely you can't be serious?

@DGUW: I have to agree with you. I tried out the Nook first, in the store, and then decided about a week later to get the Kindle instead. Something about the Nook suggested inferior build quality. And I didn't care for the LCD either.

Funny. When I tried the Nook in store, I actually went out a bought a Kindle soon thereafter. I doubt that was what B&N had in mind when they set up those demo stations.