
Awesome implementation with a lot of future potential. But way limiting if it requires an A5 chip. Basically, if you have a friend with an awesome iPhone 4 or one who goes out and buys an iPod Touch tomorrow, they won't be compatible with this. Not Firemint's fault or anything, just a little disappointing. It would

I never thought about this until I read that comment, but that would have made an incredible title to the biography. "One More Thing." Only us nerds would truly appreciate it, but still. I think just the man's name is a great and powerful title, but every time I pick the book up, I'm gonna put that imaginary subtitle

Wow, this was a conversation clusterfuck.

Do you mean Pirates of Silicon Valley? It's an awesome movie! I watched it a while back. But if you are expecting Pirates of the Caribbean, then I think you don't understand what POSV is really about. And you will probably be disappointed. lol.

Wow awesome! Thanks a lot!

First Mac that I actually owned was a clamshell iBook. I still have it to this day. Since then, I've had many more but that one will always be most special, being my first Mac.

Every time a tech blog posts a video streaming box, we never get any pics of the interface. I wish there would be an awesome breakdown of side by side features and pics of the interface somewhere, of all the competing boxes out there.

The amazing thing is to think that even in just those 6 years, the man has accomplished more then most in many lifetimes. Let alone all the things he has done in his own short lifetime. I'm convinced, even though he certainly left his mark on it, the world will never be quite the same.

"Sorry, but 4" is ideal, anything bigger is silly."

Gizmodo, please stop the constant bitch-fest. There is nothing wrong with Animated movies in 3D. Just watched Beauty and the Beast in 3D, was fricken awesome. Your childhood is just fine. The only bad 3D is live action post processed 3D. All this bitching is getting old fast. It's so popular to hate all over

That may just be the silver lining. Once the fire sells a shit-ton, they can all follow suit.

Derp. I'm not saying Amazon is losing out here. I'm saying it's stopping me from wanting one. I understand their intentions completely.

Me too. The one thing stopping this from being a potentially awesome rooted Android tablet.

Yea, but then you're reliant on a WiFi connection right?? I like having my stuff with me, regardless of where I am.

So close, yet so far. If it would have had expandable storage, my nook color might be on craigslist. I'll keep an open mind, but still..

..with a TouchPad-esque firesale, perhaps?

Yes, I often eat apples on a dish with a fork and spoon. These are all just pathetic. At least get the keys right! Enter?!? The "command" key doesn't even have an Apple logo on it anymore.... Sigh!

I'm aware. That's what I'm typing this on. But the Air is 1 product, most Macs have firewire.

I couldn't care less about the display, but why would the Mac version not have firewire? Aren't Macs the only computers still supporting firewire in large numbers? And yea, I know the regular version works for Mac too. I'm just wondering why the difference in the "for Mac" version. Seems a little bass ackwards.

I really can't look at Zuckerberg talking, and not wanna just punch him in the face. He proves that money and fame can't get rid of pure awkwardness. Sadly, I can't really add anything of real value to this article.