
Stop looking at porn sites?? You sir, are mad! Why don't I just stop breathing while I'm at it?

I'm doing the same thing but am going to dual boot. My nook color comes in the mail today! But I believe Aldiko has black on white. Not sure if thats any similar to the black text on grey background you are referring to.

I managed a pizzeria for years and I absolutely hated pre-shredded mozzarella cheese. Even from the same company, I prefer block cheese. The pre-shredded bagged cheese never melts fully and it looks like crap once the pizza is finished and sits for a second. It was more work to buy the block cheese and shred it

Bravo! Nicely done. I LOL'ed.

[1saleaday.com] has a refurb Nook Color for $180. I jumped on one and probably will root it

I bought it, and I knew damn well that it had a Core2Duo. But I also got the '10 13" base Air brand new off craigslist for $800. So I wasn't bitching. Plus the thing pretty much screams for day to day use. I'm just debating on should I sell it for this gen or wait for Ivy Bridge. I'm leaning more towards waiting

Oh man, once I read that, it's all I see when I look at her pic. Yuck!

Couldn't have said that better myself, Gob.

My dog's name is Nala. She also bites on gadgets. One day I woke up to my Harmony One in pieces in my backyard. Still works, just not as pretty as it once was. Plus the bottom 3 buttons were chewed off.

Lol he's got that sly look. Like that cat that caught the canary expression. I really want to see some random stranger punch him in the face, even better if it was Steve Jobs who did it. Just for some stealing the iPhone concept revenge. Even a bitch slap would suffice.

I don't know if it's just me but Eric Schmidt always makes these faces that just make me want to just punch him in the face. This is one of these faces.

That 16 gb stick got a good amount of reviews on newegg, saying it craps out quickly. I was pretty tempted too.

Sadly, I must be jaded with some other truly spectacular space shots. This one didn't wow me.

Covered in glitter.

I'm in love.

Haha, too true!! I just eat what I want and try to control portions I guess. But I don't even control my portions that much. I also don't have a flat stomach, but I'm tall so I can carry a lil weight well.

I love that iMac man! I sometimes think about buying a refurb just to have it sit on my desk and look pretty. For some reason I always talk myself out of it. It was slick.

Haha, funny way to interpret that!

I might be able to warm up to it, but I don't like how angular it is. It looks like some Windows Phones out there.

Lol, bitter much? They have incredible bagels and if you have never had them then you don't know what you're missing. Same for their pizza. Some people just love to hate on NY. The hardest part is living there, getting used to the excellent food and then moving to any other shit town where they don't know good pizza