
I'd say go for it man! The best time to buy a Mac is when they are just released. You got Quad cores plus Thunderbolt. Next year will get you Lion free, and a redesign most likely. Unless you have a crystal ball, waiting a year won't benefit you (without knowing what is on the horizon) if you want a new computer now.

To get paid for a basic videochat application?? Which is free on iPod Touches, iPhones, and every Mac in history (iChat)?!? Yea it's so unreasonable to expect that to be free on your +$2,000.00 computer. It's not like I'm expecting a lot there. I would expect to pay for significant software but facetime? If anything


@MadColombian: It's a hybrid MiniDisplay and Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt daisy chains so you can connect displays/peripherals.

As long as we're undercutting prices. I just read on another unnamed gadget blog that it's $129.99 at Walmart. For those looking. Great price.

Can't really be worse, I just like how no one in a million years would've thought that it would be a potential upgrade. Especially considering other laptop maker's puny trackpads. I'm actually excited to see what the potential benefit is. Maybe with the Mac App Store, the touch based games experience will be enhanced

Exactly what I was thinking with my MacBooks. If only the giant awesome trackpad was even gianter!! Actually no, I never thought that once. I do love the MacBooks trackpads though. And maybe with Lion there will be some great advantage to this. At this point, who knows.

I sold my White MacBook (07 model) 2 years after I bought it for around $250 less than I paid for it. Plus I bought when there was a back to school free iPod and free printer promo. So I really felt great about that sale. Upgraded to a Unibody 17" MacBook Pro (also during the back to school promo with free iPod which

@chiwaw: I'm impressed that you have the willpower to keep it as long as you have. With their resale value, it's not too hard to upgrade every 2-3. I'd say see how much you can get for it by searching craigslist and see if the upgrade cost is worth it to you. Sometimes if you wait too long it just doesn't pay to get

I had a similar experience. I found out about a 3OH!3 concert on facebook. Then they had a giveaway contest for a pair of tickets. I actually won them. Then I took photos on my iPhone with Hipstamatic/Pano/Camera+. Then uploaded those said pics to facebook right there. I apologize if the pics don't upload right or are

Twitter is cool? I disagree. But I also just started using Facebook like 2 months ago, so I'm hardly with it.

I agree. He's almost like todays Asian Steve Wozniak.

Man, finally! I wanna see some reviews. I think $75 should buy you a bit sleeker of a solution to a control pad. But with no competition they basically call the shots I guess.

Didn't this guy do a video a few years back about a hack that enabled head tracking 3D on a Wii? I think he reversed the sensor and the Wiimote.

Now for some Battle Toads/Double Dragon. Mmm, that combined with the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play would be a sweet combo.

I don't really hike very often but this would be an ideal addition to my Zombie Apocalypse Survival Pack. Or Z.A.S.P. for short. Thanks Rosa!

That's funny you posted that. I was gonna ask if anyone here used to play Looney Toons Basketball on the SNES. I've lost countless hours on that game back in the day. I loved the special moves each character had. The good ol' days. I loved that movie as a kit b.t.w.

Not a big deal but just so ya know it's IPS. I don't think there's much competition for the Touch considering the total package and quality that it now has. You know Apple needs to give people a reason to keep upgrading their iPods every year. There will probably be a flash in the next revision or two. As long as size