I don't believe her reaction was terrified, it looked more confused (the same when Fitz came to visit her in the hospital during Season 2).
I don't believe her reaction was terrified, it looked more confused (the same when Fitz came to visit her in the hospital during Season 2).
If you recall, he begged his way onto that trip. More importantly she flat out told him, at the time, that she was in love with Fitz and yet he still wanted to go. Olivia wanted to go by her self and I was upset that Jake even went with her because Olivia, in my opinion, really needed the "me time" to sort out her…
I called it blossoming because even though they went to Law School, during the earlier seasons, they never came across as friends to me. To me, Abby was one of the gladiators she saved (from an abusive marriage) along with Huck and Harrison who would go "over a cliff" for Olivia. Also, we found out that the two of…
lol - ok.
Just curious - why? In season 2a, I didn't like her because of the way she treated Quinn but during Season 5 I am liking Abby especially the blossoming friendship she is having with Olivia. I loved her and Olivia talking in the residence during this episode and her being honest with Abby about her feelings on Fitz.
They should a picture of the original cast members from Season 1 and they should have kept it at that low number. During Season 1 David and Mellie were recurring characters, which should have stayed the same and Jake and Liz North should have been recurring characters, only needed if necessary.
They ruined Tom once they made him B613.
Not -
When Jake did this "take charge type of things" it seemed that people loved him for it. So why when Fitz does the "manly" thing to try to protect Olivia there is a problem?
Me either. I looked at his actions as a sincere way of protecting her. Remember, Rowan is still on the lose. The unfortunate thing about this episode is that we never heard Olivia's monologue to Fitz because if we had, if would have given us more insight into Fitz's actions. She might have told Fitz that Rowan…
The only problem I have is that Olivia never gets the chance to tell Jake about himself. The one time Olivia was going to let Jake have it, as you said he is terrible also, they cut the scene.
It seems everyone forgets that part. Olivia was literally at her "wedding" when Mellie called her.
Then we have to agree to disagree. They weren't going to hire her and this is based on the conversation of the hiring committee. The only one who wanted to hire her flat out was Howard, who they dismissed and said he was a "volunteer" and had no real voice on the committee. And remember, Howard only wanted to hire…
The entire point Monica is making is that she is not going to get the job - she is not being given a choice. Whereas the example of sexism Diane had a choice. The whole point of Monica's argument is that she is not getting a choice - she is not going to be offered the job so there is nothing to turn down. She even…
I don't think they were writing Monica in a way that she can only experience racism. My view was that Monica, as a black woman, can experience BOTH racism and sexism, sometimes called the "double negative". In this case, Monica felt she was experiencing racism, hence the noted hiring of the three white males.
I see where you are coming from and I agree that you don't "choose" to experience sexism. Monica only made that point because Diana was bringing up the sexism she had faced as a young law clerk. Monica was pointing out that there is a difference between sexism, which all women can be victims of and racism which she…
They should Monica in the waiting room (sitting area), looking at all the other prospective applicants for the job and she noticed that not many people of color were there. They made it a point to show the 3 young white male candidates.
If what you say is true, then it made absolutely no sense to interview Monica in the first place. If she was called for an interview, I assume that her resume contained something that peaked their interest because let's face it, the law school she attended was also on the resume. And Monica is a "racially neutral"…
That's what I got out of it also. Also, Diane being the most sympathetic of the committee because all three of their hires where young white males - not even a young white woman was a final candidate. Diane, bless her heart, tried to relate to Monica as a woman, but Monica, rightly so, said that even though they are…
Especially since she was from Baltimore, they all assumed that she had a very rough childhood.