
A game changer is killing off a main character. I don't consider Rowan a main character (he is a guest star) and besides many people are assuming that he meets his demise. I don't see Mellie being offed because she is too well liked and many people are "rooting" for her.

Alot of people said the same thing when Shonda killed off Derek Shepard because many viewers of Grey's Anatomy (me not being one of them), saw Derek as the leading man of the show.

I know I am late replying, but I just read Kerry Washington's statement on the final and she asked Shonda "where do we go from here" and "how do we even have a 5th Season after this". Also, Katie Lowes says that the final is a game changer. Coupled with the fact that many people constantly bring up how Shonda killed

Most of us fell in love with a political fixer, who fixed the problems of the Washington elite, and yet couldn't fix her own problems. I don't like B613 because it makes no sense. You can drive a MAC truck through the plot holes in the story line and the plot shifts to whatever will move the story even when it makes

Beautifully said. Also, if they wanted to be more realistic with the story line, they would have had someone closer to Ensign Martin's rank perpetuate the crime. Usually in military rape cases, and especially cases involving the Navy, it is usually someone closer in rank that perpetuates the crime because men and

Also, the optics were horrible - she was appalled that a woman was raped but encouraged the torturing of a man. Horrible optics and if you add in the racial dynamics it was flat at appalling.

Thank you for the compliment. I joined the Air Force immediately after H.S. and I must say it was the best thing I ever did. One other thing I want to add to the conversation is that I totally understood why Ensign Martin would not want to tell what happened to her. Females in the military try very hard to "fit in"

I don't think Shonda is going to kill any of the main characters, because OPA is functioning on a skeleton crew as it is. My three picks are Russell, the JAG lawyer and Rowan. Jake is not dying - I read an interview given by Scott Foley and he pretty much said he loves being on the show and also, he has a wife and

True, it might be a "rogue" organization but as the above poster stated, how are they getting paid. Huck figured out how they were being funded, and not only stopped funding to B613, but removed all the cash they had into his personal bank account. I don't care how rogue someone is, they aint being rogue for free.

I was also really disturbed with Olivia condoning torture. During season 1, her and Huck's relationship was beautiful - she would tell him "killing is bad" and would not condone torture. I don't like the turn Olivia's character is taking because it makes no sense and goes totally against her character. She's

I was also uncomfortable with the VP taking it upon herself to force the young lady to bring charges. Ensign Martin, being in the Navy, must live in close quarters with service men. At the bare minimum, the VP should have made sure Ensign Martin was removed from her "ship" assignment and placed on a base, where she

Although I found the overall episode boring, there were some good scenes that I enjoyed, namely, the scene between Jake and Russell and especially the scene between Jake and Olivia. I loved that Jake told Olivia that Russell was just like him but the only difference is that he fell in love with her. Also, I noticed

The show writers, I believe, are once again retconning a character. Mellie started as this badass political wife, was turned in a rape victim all in an effort to garner sympathy from the audience and now she is running for political office and has to depend on Fitz and Lizzie for everything.

I agree and also, as someone who have served in the military, there are no happy ending for women of sexual assault. Just bringing a charge against a service member, especially a high ranking service member has long term ramifications for women. When she gets back on the ship, she is going to be ostracized, given

I said the same thing before I read your post.

I can't buy this, because if it was Mellie's Secret Service Code name, wouldn't Olivia had known that? I'm pretty sure Olivia knows Fitz code name, so it would make sense that she knew Mellie's code name also. Damn these plot holes.

She is and her work has begun. I'm beginning to see a bunch of different optics coming out of B'more.

I know this is a very late response but since you and I were discussing different aspects Scandal can pursue; Judy Smith (the real D.C. fixer) was just hired by the City of Baltimore. She is definately there to change the City's "optics" over the handling of the unrest that resulted from the Freddie Gray case. Also,

Along with the other deaths by stabbing (female b613 agent takes out 2 male b613 agents and another female) makes Jake's "resurrection" the more unbelievable.

I'm with you Kendall. It seems Shonda and writers have been reading posts from certain fans in which they claim Jake has saved Olivia's life countless times. I have even challenged these fans to give me receipts on when Jake saved Olivia. I have watched every episode of Scandal and can't name a time where Jake