
To answer you, yes that is Courtney Vance and he is going to play the slain son's father wanting revenge (I watched the promo). Also, Regina King will be directing this episode. Shonda might get on my nerves from time to time, but I like the fact that she gives many black women the chance to direct episodes - a

I agree with every point you make, but Shonda Rhymes likes "ensemble" casts. Look at what she has done to Grey's Anatomy. The Star, Meredith Grey, got about 10 minutes of screen time the last episode. I don't think Shonda is going to make her the lead, but I do believe she is going to give her a helleva storyline,

Kaston, I agree with you. I am a huge Kerry Washington fan and the only reason why I even gave the show a shot was because of Kerry Washington. But I see the way the wind is blowing. At one time, I hated Mellie. I thought she was incompetent, whiny and one of the most pathetic women on T.V. For the life of me, I


Well I disagree with you that Harrison was annoying. Harrison was a fan favorite and season 3 was suppose to be "the year of Harrison" but they all but disappeared him from the plot. There were times in season 3 when he actually had no lines. but to another point, my theory is that Jake is now going to fill that

I wonder if they are going to do what "The Good Wife" did an put a disclaimer at the beginning of the episode.

At the expense of the other characters. The retcon job of Fitz and Olivia's characters should be considered criminal.

Did you notice Mellie and Fitz interactions in the previous 2 episodes. They were actually affectionate towards each other. You are right, Mellie wants a partnership and unfortunately, there are plenty of "marriages" that work on a partnership. Also, Fitz si going to help her achieve her goal. Mark my words, the

Good point.

I heard the same thing. At one time, he was suppose to be the love interest of Olivia after she ended her affair with the President Notice in season 1, Mellie was a recurring character, and Fitz and Olivia were not together. But the writers decided to change course and make Olivia and Fitz the primary relationship

Fitz and Olivia's secret tormented lovers storyline went down the tubes for alot of fans this episode. One of the worst things that can happen to a protagonist (Olivia) is when the fan base stops caring and alot of people no longer care about Olivia, and truth be told, many fonts and bloggers stopped caring about her

Thank you. I also posited the Mellie for VP thing and said the writing was leading up to it. Look at Fitz and Mellie's interaction the previous two episodes. They were very civil towards each other and even showed affection. With Andrew incapacitated, the writers are going to find some way to make Mellie, a

It was another re-write. We were initially led to believe that Olivia and Stephen went to law school together and became good friends from that. A few episodes ago, we found out that Olivia and Abby were law school buddies and this wasn't mentioned for 3 entire seasons. As Scandal does, they change the story to fit

Because the cast cryptic message was that long time watchers "of season 1" will be in for a surprise.

Wow!! You didn't like the "Rose Garden Scene", "The Constitution Scene"; the "Let's run down the Clock Scene", or :"Deskgate". During Season 1 (The Trail) and Season 2 (Happy Birthday Mr. President), Olivia and Fitz had "killer Scenes". Even in last weeks episode, the 2 Scenes with him and Mellie were Killer scenes

I do too. To tell you the truth, I liked her last season. She had every right to be upset with Olivia - because it was Olivia (and others) who ruined her life (Defiance). I was happy that she went against the grain and decided not to blindly follow Olivia.

It's not going to be Rowan, because Rowan had nothing to do with Season 1.

Like you, I have a hard time believing that it is Stephen - I also don't believe it is Rowan because he wasn't in Season 1 - he didn't make an appearance until towards the end of Season Season 2. I don't remember Hollis much from Season 1 either because the "Defiance Arc" took place in Season 2.

Also, when in the hell did Abby become Olivia's best friend? In season 1, Stephen was her confidant; when he left, Harrison took his place. Olivia has a better relationship with Huck than Abby.

I didn't understand that line, because as a long time scandal watcher, Mellie's marriage to Fitz was dead for 10 years prior to them even meeting Olivia Pope. Also, she was pushing for action initially because Andrew had talked her into it. When Andrew pissed her off (by sleeping with Lizzie), she was no longer his