
awww <3 this is perfect. i hope things get better for you... it’s been a rough one for me too.

i watch this one every week... waiting for it to be something other than a fierce jungle cat chasing him.

what show is this!?

find some hidden gems for sure! those little details that make things extra exciting.

they argued against him being a shitty person though. i wasn’t saying the movie is bad... just that people need to know these other things that aren’t being depicted. art is art. but fuck praising and idolizing these assholes.

this gif is totally me when it comes to this subject. i don’t know why i’ve even allowed myself to get depressed over this. and depressed over the response i got from female friends regarding my facebook post that was against this movie. i don’t know why i ever expect more out of humanity. why am i so crushed by this?!

yeah, i made a pretty big facebook post about it after seeing so many people praise this fucking movie. and i linked the most recent Dee article for people to read and learn the facts. i was SHOCKED that 3 female friends of mine actually argued against it. more shocking, 2 of them are black females. how can they ever

great! now my bosses really know i’m not working!! hahahah


i hate the annie santa dance! i love her. she is hot. but i hate the annie santa dance! gah!

probably just some girls having fun. because they just wanna.

what is up with the cat?!?! is it slowed down from being spun really fast?


i loved it...

nope. we totally notice these things. and men totally notice details about our bodies. but we still like each other and wanna bang. it’s neat. so stop fretting!

girls can also take it the wrong way! i have plenty of male friends who are just being polite and then all of a sudden these girls are in love.

i like it!!!

i like it!

i feel the same way. but then my husband, king of bargain shopping, will always find clearance meat about to expire and freeze it for future use. he checks the stores every day. every. day.

get out.