
what show!?!?

Wow. This comment finally pushed me over the edge of uncertainty about whether or not to start this series. Thank you! I’m excited!

nothing wrong with a foot fetish.

she's getting up there in years but still looks soooooo young!

i thought they cast jessie? was that just... "in talks"?

i want to go hump something i'm so happy about this!!!

that's my friend's dog. :) we used to be roommates. he likes to eat socks and underwear. and chase cats. just for fun. it's still so weird to me when i see his picture everywhere. his name is Everest btw. just a random bit of info for you!

Saga is so overwhelmingly good i can't even stand it. :) I've had my eyes on The Nowhere Men... i think i'll have to grab it now for sure. and i wrote down the rest you mentioned too. my husband is a huge fan of Manhattan Projects... so i get to borrow that one from him!

i agree!

LOVE IT Crowd! :) at least the little hour long wrap up they did was satisfying.

ha! i loved Don't Trust the B!

Saga is definitely worth the time and money. :) I think they are only 10 bucks a piece... Image comics are always pretty affordable. and yes, the new Ms. Marvel! loving it! Have fun in Japan! I'm jealous. :)

have you read Saga? it's one of my favorites. i'm in the middle of reading Ms. Marvel... not sure how you feel about that one... but i'm loving it so far. Locke & Key is another favorite but might be a little different than your normal tastes.

ha! that's how my husband feels too. :) i've never questioned it though. women are hot.

i wanna squeeze their cheeks. i'm basically Elmyra.

it was a gentle squish! i promise!

AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *squish!!*

can i also purchase the model's amazing figure?

the WORST! :P

chris pratt can have whatever he wants!