The world sees her as this glamorous, sophisticated, jet-setting woman...
The world sees her as this glamorous, sophisticated, jet-setting woman...
If ind this all too cromulent
but on the flip side, she is now Pepsi Jesus saving black america to the max!.... the Pepsi Max, that is.
Her half-sisters and brothers in-law and parents are some of THE MOST hated people on the planet. She has a long journey ahead oif her and she hasn’t even divorced from her first sham-marriage yet.
Don’t think this is the only “sport” where this happens. I guarantee you it happens in Football and Baseball as well. Tattle tailing against the top talent when you’re being a bullied green horn is career suicide. Goes for theatre and acting as well, and it goes for on-screen journalism and news, too.
*Vince MacMahon jumps outs of his chair with a new gimmick idea!*
Yeah! Why DON’T we hate Jared Leto more!?
*sigh*... it’s me. I’m Anne Hathaway.
And the irony, of course, being that she had just won an oscar for being the best actress, which she is in films with her level of subtlety and delivery of speech and motion, but not during her speeches and in the public eye. Maybe people just expected her to be the catwoman type offscreen, and this real smiley…
Trump Tower?
I like Anne Hathaway. :(
New Zealand has lots of people of color. I doubt they wanna incorporate a thing or two from american police officers.
I dunno. Ask David Ayer. The level of edginess in this means the shallowest of the shallow will go to purchase whatever it is they’re selling, and be shockingly surprised at how blandly average it is.
The word “torture” is never sexy.
Oh God! I bet he still says “bitchin’”
the LH Theatre presents: The Least Fun Guy At Parties
pre- nuclear war: hopeless times
What is locker room talk?
♫ That’s mah dick in a bun! Mah dick in a buuunnn, bay-bayyyyyy. ♫