Sweet Potato Sam AKA Hemmed Up: Britches Get Stitches

Good for her. I only wish she had gotten more, like getting that cop fired. I was physically cringing reading it, unable to imagine the humiliation she must have felt. The fact that the cop, also being a woman, broke a very basic protocol searching her in front of the male officers tells me she did very much it on

“And by the way, I faked all those orgasms!”

Are you assuming somebody who majors in that kind of double-talk knows what the First Amendment is? What the Constitution is, even?

IDK that that’s where you’d want to be rn. There are too many white people trying too hard to gentrify it.

THOSE were the tweets?! Hell, those are the kind of opinions circulated by “woke” whitefolk, these days, let alone just amongst the barbershop set. Hell, none of us here could work at the University of Alabama, then. Not that we’d want to.

I think 2016 more than anything was the result of a huge amount of overconfidence and an election “strategy” that was basically this guy is a moron and running a deeply unpopular candidate with 0 real primary opponents. I still think Hillary would have won the nom but a tougher primary would have helped her refine her

No amount of financial literacy, forced celibacy, or misogyny is going to make 1500 of take home pay a month pay 2000 worth a bills.

I thought this was satire based on the outdated idea, misogyny, and bad grammar and syntax. As much as the commentors on this site loathe The Pound Cake Speech, they ate this shit up.

Both of these people are simply blaming poverty on the same old "personal responsibility" bullshit that's already well established. 

You ever wonder why it’s easier to get cheap liquor, pain killers and sex instead of actual things that could help people become better members of society?

Or that the 14th amendment was not specifically crafted for ex-slaves but anyone who was birthed in the united states, regardless of immigration status (that is the 14th, right? Maybe the 13th? Damn, I’m not republican, so I can’t keep my amendments, let alone commandments, straight).

Well that’s one hell of a creative way to spend more time with your husband

I think its like some kind of reverse super Saiyan., but instead of you doing the transformation, their fear transforms you. And instead of turning blonde it makes us look bigger and blacker.

Like ALL privileged people, responsibility is always something for others to have/acquire.. NEVER them. (Police, wealthy people, “white” people, etc.) because they are rarely if ever called to task on their words/actions and even when done so, the repercussions are so mild that is more token action than actual

All those Asian countries kissing his bloated *ss yet disrespecting Obama at every turn. This is what he really thinks of you. Well except Kim of course— his only Asian friend.

Worse - it wasn’t even the third story on the news. This is from two days ago - but a fair amount of broadcast coverage intruded on my weekend (racist ICE, racist CBP, racist NYPD, racist #WhiteHouseOccupant, Low Barr suspected of creating necessary conditions for Epstein’s murder) - and this didn’t even make the top

No, the thing is, Michigan racists moved to the boonies in the’60's because they didn’t want to see Blacks at all, period! Not in schools, grocery stores, feed or bait shops. Those who couldn’t move to the boonies sold their 50 year old houses to Blacks EN MASSE and at exorbitant prices, used that and low-interest

I’ve fought Housing Discrimination from experience, volunteerism and Board work! See, once laws and official rules for fairness are on the horizon, they’ve got to get Medieval with the shit! Or just more deviously, insidiously evil.

They should have made a down payment. Then maybe this guy would cut them a check to not move into the neighborhood.

All the racist memorabilia and the framed KKK application were left SPECIFICALLY to offend and repel Blacks and other minorities as part of the ‘Gentleman’s Agreement’ among whites to keep neighborhoods white, even when leaving!