
It’s a nice thought. But people said the same thing about W Bush, and none of them learned a lesson after that disaster.

Thank you! Such a yuuuuuuuuge compliment.

It’s not just any factory job. It’s a factory job that doesn’t exist and never will!

Or it’s going to be a traditionally attractive, Alfred-Hitchcock-ingenue-esque blonde who asks him why he’s so sexist and he’s going to spend the first minute talking about how hot she is and the second minute negging her. He will definitely call her “sweetheart” at some point. If we’re very, very lucky, he will

I live in a District Twelve state and it is sad. The biggest hammer on coal has been natural gas from shale (they’re literally converting coal power plants here to gas b/c it’s so much cheaper). But people here are like ‘Thanks Obama! rabble! rabble! War on coal!’

Now granted, the new environmental regs don’t help

I’m really hoping someone smart will have just given him a painted over Staples’ Easy Button in anticipation for that day.

Now playing

Please, PLEASE tell me I’m not the only one who is constantly reminded of the Will Arnett character trying to get Michael Scott’s old job in The Office? How has that not been giffed yet?

Possible, but Trump is also Flagg, just without the charm, grace, intelligence, hair, long-term planning capabilities, etc. Although he may have some of the dark sorcerer mind-control stuff going on.

“Fiscal conservatism” has always been code for “Don’t spend my tax dollars to help dark people”.

If manufacturing jobs are, by their nature, such high quality and high paying jobs, why can foreign laborers do them satisfactorily for such low wages? Doesn’t the outsource-ability of the job show that it isn’t a great job? What the Republicans can’t admit they miss is unions. They want high paying jobs, but US

“I’ll tell you what - America’s really gone downhill since they said we couldn’t own people anymore.”

You leave sweet Tom out of this. If he’s anybody from that universe, Trump is the trashcan man. An over-baked crazy person obsessed with nuclear weapons, with a trail of ruined properties in his wake, who’s hungry for approval from the worst of humanity.

Don’t worry about being drafted (or even leaving the country), it won’t make a difference when he throws a tantrum on day 6 and decides to hammer the big red button labeled NUKE.

To be fair, he was right about a few things.

There’s going to be an overweight woman who begins a question with “I’ve been at the same minimum wage job for 5 years, and I was really offended when you said”

“My new jobs program will also be my plan for solving the problem of student debt! When I’m president, every college student can choose the regular student loans, which are for losers, or they can go to my new program - they can sign up with a company, maybe Trump Tower, which is a great place, we have the best

I would give $100,000 to the NRA if Donald Trump lets me punch him in the cock.

Mr. Trump, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God

He graduated magna! That means he’s smart (but not “I don’t pay taxes” smart, that’s different).

Wait. So the kid was like “I have a STEM degree, where is my job?” and Trump was like, “What if you assembled iPhones? Wouldn’t that be cool?”